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MCL-Net V4 is part of the MCL-Collection, a set of tools that allow you to develop, connect, integrate and manage batch and wireless applications for all types of devices.


The MCL-Collection consist of:


MCL-Net V4: an RF communication program that enables network communication (Ethernet, WIFI, GPRS, 3G, HTTP) between the host computer and several thousand devices.


MCL-Designer V4: a visual RAD tool for building MCL applications.


MCL-Client: a runtime engine that allows devices to execute programs written in the MCL-Code scripting language (output of MCL-Designer V4).


MCL-Mobility Platform: a cloud-based platform operating on SaaS (Software as a Service) that allows one to manage devices, licenses(subscriptions), servers, etc.


MCL-Loader V4: a software tool that enables one to install MCL software (MCL-Client) and activate product licenses in devices.


MCL-License Manager: a cloud-based platform that allows one to manage MCL licenses.



MCL-Collection Basic Architecture


The illustration below displays the two way flow of information between the MCL application (created with MCL-Designer V4)/device operator and a HOST.



HOST - The central computer that acts as a communication hub for all the devices using an application is called the host. The host can function as the data store for the information transmitted by the devices, but the data can just as easily be stored on yet another computer. The host serves not only as storage for information, but also as the transmitter of data securing a constant flow of information between administration and device/device operator.


DEVICE OPERATOR – The device operator uses the applications that were developed by the integrator using MCL-Designer V4.

Moreover, the operator can act as the receiver but also as the transmitter of information. That is to say, the host can send data to a terminal (an item master file, for instance), where it will be available to the operator, or that same device operator can send information back to the host (for example, a data file with inventory results).


DEVICE – The word "device", as used in this guide, covers all the devices that can support MCL-Client V4.

This can be a desktop device, a fixed device, a printer, etc., regardless of manufacturer and model. They can use a variety of communication methods to contact the host (be it a server, a workstation or MCL- Mobility Platform).


COMMUNICATION – The data flow between devices and Host is ensured by MCL-Net V4. MCL-Net V4 allows for a rapid and secure way to send and receive information which, in turn, facilitates asset delivery and warehouse maintenance.