Introduction to MCL-Designer V4

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Introduction to MCL-Designer V4

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MCL-Designer V4 is a user-friendly, Windows-based Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool for hand-held, mobile and fixed devices.

Thanks to its intuitive interface and visual development environment, the building of complex data collection software is made faster and easier. One can develop batch and wireless applications by using predefined templates instead of writing code (the MCL Code that runs the applications is generated automatically). It focuses on designing instead of programming.

MCL-Designer V4 provides an impressive and powerful set of tools to create and organize your applications. For instance, it can be used by system integrators for PoD (Proof of Delivery), Field Services, Route Accounting, Warehouse Management, Inventories and more.

Another important feature is that it was created within a philosophy of integration, meaning, it takes into account administration (MCL-Mobility Platform), the client interpreter (MCL-Cient) and network communications (MCL-Net).