MCL-Designer Activation (Subscription)

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MCL-Designer Activation (Subscription)

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The first time you open MCL-Designer V4, you are asked to activate it. If the acquired product includes a Subscription license type, proceed as follows:



To Activate an MCL-Designer V4 Subscription


The MCL-Designer V4 activation process uses the proxy server set in the Windows network settings.





When starting MCL-Designer V4 for the first time, a window related to product activation opens:



1. Select "Subscription-Based License".



2. Read the "EULA" document (the check box in "I have read and agree with the license terms"only becomes active after you have scrolled down the document).


3. If necessary, use the options available in this wizard window:

Click to return to the previous wizard window.

Use the button to print the EULA.

Click to stop the subscription's activation procedure.


4. Check the "I have read and agree with the license terms" option and, then, .



At this point, you must upload a registration file provided by the MCL-Mobility Platform account:

an "*.mcfg" registration file - this file is generated in MCL-Mobility Platform v1.4 and available for download when the subscription is associated to a site's Development Station.

For more information, refer to the MCL-Mobility Platform v1.4 User Guide.


a "*.lic" registration file - this file is available for download in MCL-Mobility Platform v1.3 after the subscription is successfully associated to a Development Station.

For more information, refer to theMCL-Mobility Platform v1.3 User Guide.


5. If you already have the necessary registration file (the "*.mcfg" OR  the "*.lic" file) proceed to step 6.

If the current subscription is NOT connected to the necessary Development Station yet, follow the step-by-step that best suits your needs:


Click Here for the Step-by-Step on "MCL-Designer Subscription" Activation in "MCL-Mobility Platform v1.3"


Click Here for the Step-by-Step on "MCL-Designer Subscription" Activation in "MCL-Mobility Platform v1.4"


6. Click to locate the folder with the saved registration file.



7. Select the file and click to upload it. Ex: DesReg_1234567890_SIT-1_Dublin_Dev_Station.mcfg.



8. Click and wait for the operation's completion.














In this example, your MCL-Designer is now associated to the MCL-Mobility Platform account "1234567890", specifically, its subscription "12345678901234".


If you want to view/download the registration file, click to access the installation folder that includes it.



If there is an error during the activation process, click to quit the process or to try again.



9. Click to close the window.