MCL-Designer Shortcuts

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MCL-Designer Shortcuts

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MCL-Designer V4 has a series of shortcuts (keys and key combinations) available. You can use them to expedite project development or, in some cases, simply as an alternative.

This topic will provide you with a list of shortcut keys/key combinations and also, certain tips you may find useful during project development.



MCL-Designer V4 Shortcut Keys/Combined Keys





Opens a "Help" window with the corresponding context.


Opens the "Project Properties" window.


Opens a floating variable select window which contains the variables you can use in the active context.


Opens the "Library Manager".


Opens a "Project Verification" window that displays the existing issues/problems within the current project.


Generates your current project's MCL application.


Launches the MCL-Simulator to run your current project.


Initiates the procedure of loading an application into a device.


Opens the working directory.


Opens a window with all the localization tags and available translations of the current project.


Useful when selecting a Branch process with a specific destination. It opens the target destination defined in the selected process (ex: screen, local procedure, etc.).

If the target destination is a label, F12 selects the execution row containing the defined label.

Alt + F4

Use it to exit MCL-Designer V4.

Ctrl + C

Copies the selected control (displayed on the screen).

Ctrl + F

Opens a "Search" window.

Ctrl + N

Use it to create a new project.

Ctrl + O

Use it to open an existing project.

Ctrl + P

Use it to create a project report.

Ctrl + S

Use it to save the current project.

Ctrl + V

Use it to paste the copied control (including added actions/processes).

Ctrl + W

Closes the current project.

Ctrl + Y

Use it to redo the previously "undone" action/ edition.

Ctrl + Z

Use it to undo the most recent action/edition.

Ctrl + D&D

Use it to drag the selected control onto another screen. The duplicate control does NOT include added actions/processes.

Shift + Ctrl + V

Use it to paste the copied control (without added actions/processes).

Shift + Ctrl + F4

Use it to automatically load the current project into the connected devices.

Shift + D&D

Use it to drag the selected control onto another screen. The duplicate control includes added actions/processes.

Shift + F7

Opens MCL-Tracer and MCL-Simulator and both tools display the current project.

Shift + F8

Initiates the loading of the current application into a device and opens MCL-Tracer in the current project.

Shift + F10

Opens the project's directory.


D&D - Drag-and-Drop tool.



MCL-Designer V4 Tips


Drag an image from the "Resources" module and drop it into an opened screen. This automatically adds a Display Image control with that image in the target screen.


Drag an image from OS File Explorer and drop it into an opened screen. This automatically adds a "Display Image" control with that image in the target screen. The corresponding image file is displayed/added to the project's resources ("Resources" module).


Drag an image from an OS browse window and drop it into the "Resources" module. If you drag more than 5 image files at a time, you will be asked to confirm the import.


Drag-and-drop a data file from the "Data Files" module into a screen. This automatically adds a File Browse control in the target screen.


Change the style of a control that was added to a screen by dragging another available style (from the Style Preview section) and dropping it on the added control.



MCL-Tracer Shortcut Keys/Combination Keys





Use it to perform a Search Next action.

Shift + F3

Use them to perform a Search Previous action.


Use it to set the current line as line 1 to isolate an area of code (for analysis purposes) and hide all lines above.


Selects the current line as the last line to isolate an area of code (for analysis purposes) and hide all lines below.


Opens the screen and corresponding properties window (within your project) of the control contained in the selected line.


Opens the current project folder.

Alt + F4

Use them to exit MCL-Tracer.

Ctrl + O

Use these keys to open an existing project.