Working with Restart/Reboot Process
Process Purpose
The "Restart/Reboot" process is used to execute the following operations on the device: exit the current application, execute a soft or hard reboot.
When you add a process, you are required to define its settings. This occurs in the process's properties window which is displayed automatically after having added the "Restart/Reboot" process.
If any subsequent edition is required, double-click the process to open its properties window and enter the necessary modifications.
Proceed as follows:
Action |
Check one of the following options: Exit Application - exits the current application. Reboot Device (Soft) - performs a simple reboot of the device (= warm boot). Reboot Device (Hard) - reboots the device and its effects depend on the device’s model/OS version and/or specific manufacturer implementation (= cold boot). Please refer to the device’s manufacturer for specific documentation. Usually, a hard reboot in a Windows device clears data in the “program files” folder (it may uninstall applications) and requires a screen calibration. As for Android devices, it may cause an Enterprise Data Reset. |
We recommend a soft reboot (=warm boot), if the purpose is simply to restart the device.
Triggering a hard reboot (= cold boot) via an application may cause the system not to recover/return to a working state.
If required, click to attach any relevant notes to this process. Click it and enter your notes in the resulting text box. These notes will be displayed in the corresponding "Actions" tab or "Process" window (in the "Notes" field) and in the "Developer Report".
After filling in the required options, click to conclude or
to abort the operation.
The added process is displayed in the corresponding "Actions" tab or "Process" window.