How to Install MCL-Loader V4

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How to Install MCL-Loader V4

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System Requirements


Ensure that your system meets the following system requirements before MCL-Loader V4 is installed:



Supported operating systems


Windows 8 (x86 and x64)


Windows 7 (x86 and x64)


Windows Vista (x86 and x64)



Hardware Requirements


1.5 GHz or faster processor


Minimum 256 MB free RAM memory available


Minimum 250 MB free hard disk space available


5400RPM hard disk drive or higher



Software Requirements


Windows Mobile Device Center



Make sure that the PC is connected to the Internet so you can contact your MCL-License Manager account and be able to install new MCL-Client packages in the device.




To Install MCL-Loader V4


Proceed as follows to install MCL-Loader V4:




1. Download the installer file (ex.: MCL_Loader_XXXXPXX.exe) from our website: Download MCL-Loader V4 .


2. Run the installer file and follow the instructions in MCL-Loader V4 Setup Wizard.



3. Click .



4. Select the type of installation you require ("Full", "Minimal" or "Custom") from the drop-down list.

Each option implies the default checking of all or a specific component.

Ex: Select "Full" and all available components will be checked and, consequently, installed. Select a "Minimal" installation and only the mandatory MCL-Net V4 core files will be checked/installed.

As an alternative, instead of selecting a type of installation, check the component(s) you want to install.


MCL-Loader V4 Components

MCL-Loader Core Files (required)

Essential component to the installation. Cannot be removed from the MCL-Loader V4 installation, so the checkbox is inactive.

Start Menu and Desktop Shortcuts

Check this option to ensure a direct and simple way to start MCL-Loader V4.


5. Click to proceed.



6. Maintain the default location OR  select a different "Destination Folder":


a. Enter the path for the new destination folder.


b. Click and browse for it.


7. Click to begin installation.



8. Wait until the installation is complete and, then, click .



9. If you want MCL-Loader V4 to launch once the installation is complete, check the "Run MCL-Loader" option.


10. Click to conclude the installation.