Once you have acquired an MCL-Client License Package, you must register it. The registration is done in the MCL-License Manager platform and requires two steps:
1. Creating an account in MCL-License Manager. For more detailed information, click To Create an Account in MCL-License Manager.
2. Registering your MCL-Client License Package in your MCL-License Manager account. For more detailed information, click To Register your License in your Newly Created MCL-License Manager Account.
If you already have an account, you do not require a new one to register/manage any future license packages. For more detailed information, click To Register your License in an existing MCL-License Manager Account.
Make sure that your PC is connected to the Internet so you can contact your MCL-License Manager account.
If you want to access MCL-License Manager, use the link included in the email you received after having purchased an MCL-Client License Package (subject: License Delivery Notification).
As an alternative, enter the following URL to access the MCL-License Manager's login page:
If you are already logged in on an MCL-License Manager account when you click the email's "Registration Link", you will immediately be redirected to that MCL-License Manager account. Before proceeding with license registration, verify if you are in the right MCL-License Manager account.
To Create an Account in MCL-License Manager
1. Click the link ("Registration Link") included in the email (subject: License Delivery Notification) providing you with your recently acquired license details. This opens the MCL-License Manager's login page.
2. Click .
If you choose to access MCL-License Manager with a direct link (https://license.mcl4e.com/mclls/licensing/login.html), instead of using the link provided by the License Delivery Notification email, you will have another page, previous to this one, to fill in:
a. Enter the direct link in your web browser. This opens the login page.
b. Click .
c. Enter the number of your recently purchased license.
d. Click to access the "Licensee Name and Contact Information" page.
e. Proceed to step 3.
3. Fill in the available fields (options marked with an asterisk are mandatory):
Licensee Name and Contact Information |
Title |
Select the title you want to be addressed as (Mr.,Ms., Mrs.,Dr. ,Prof.) from the drop-down list. |
First & Last Name* |
Enter your first and last name. |
Email Address* |
Enter your email address. |
Company Name (Licensee)* |
Enter the name of the company/licensee. |
Address |
Enter the company's address. |
Zip/Postal Code* |
Enter the company's zip/postal code. |
City |
Enter the city where the company is located. |
Country* |
Select the company's country from the drop-down list. |
4. Click .
5. Fill in the user account's credentials (options marked with an asterisk are mandatory):
Licensee User Account Credentials |
Login* |
Enter a login for the new account. |
Password* |
Enter a password to access the new account. The password must have a minimum of 6 characters which must be numeric and alphabetical. |
Confirm Password* |
Repeat the previously entered password. |
6. Read the "Terms of Use" regarding the new MCL-License Manager account (scroll down to access the text and activate the button)
7. If required, click to print the "Terms of Use" document regarding the new account.
8. Click to conclude the operation. (This button only activates after you have scrolled down the "Terms of Use" document).
You can also use to abort or click
to return to previous pages.
At this point, you will receive an email (sent to the email address you entered in step 3 - "subject: MCL License Server") which will validate the new account creation and provide the necessary information so you can log in to your new account (the account's user name and password, and a link to the MCL-License Manager's login page.).
Whenever you want to access MCL-License Manager, use this link or enter https://license.mcl4e.com/mclls/licensing/login.html in your browser and log in.
The creation of an account within MCL-License Manager is complete.
Now, you must register your license in your MCL-License Manager account.
This page displays information regarding your MCL-Client License Package and the option to proceed with its registration.
To Register your License in your Newly Created MCL-License Manager Account
1. Read the "EULA" document (scroll down to access the text and activate the button).
2. Click . (This button only activates after you have scrolled down the "EULA" document.)
The resulting page displays information about the license and your new account.
3. Click to conclude. This opens your MCL-License Manager account, in the "Licenses " page.
This final page of product registration includes a 15 s time out (the OK button contains a countdown). If you do NOT click
, the time out will also send you to the "Licenses" page.
You will receive an email (sent to the email address you entered in Licensee Name and Contact Information - "subject: License Activation") validating the recent registration. The email also provides license information (product name, product reference, license number) and a direct link to the MCL-License Manager's login page (License Administration).
Your MCL-Client License Package is registered in your MCL-License Manager account and ready for activation. In other words, you can now attribute the available license unit(s), included in the license package, to your device(s). See How to Activate a Product License in a Device.
To Register your License in an existing MCL-License Manager Account
There are two procedures you can follow to register your MCL-Client license(s) in an existing MCL-License Manager account:
•Option A - Follow the link ("Registration Link") included in the License Delivery Notification email.
•Option B - Open your MCL-License Manager account and add a license in the "Licenses" page. This option is useful when you have multiple licenses to add/register in your account.
Option A
1. Click the link ("Registration Link") provided by the email you receive when purchasing an MCL-Client license ("subject: License Delivery Notification").
If your MCL-License Manager account is already open, you will be redirected to the page below. If not, you are required to login to your account first.
2. Read the "EULA" terms (scroll down to access the text and activate the button).
3. If required, click to print the "EULA" document regarding the new license.
4. Click to conclude the operation. (This button only activates after you have scrolled down the "EULA" document.)
The resulting page displays information about the license and your new account.
5. Click to conclude. This opens your MCL-License Manager account, in the "Licenses " page.
This final page of product registration includes a 15 s time out (the OK button contains a countdown). If you do NOT click
, the time out will also send you to the "Licenses" page.
You will receive an email (sent to the email address you entered in Licensee Name Contact information - "subject: License Activation") validating the recent registration. The email also provides license information (product name, product reference, license number) and a direct link to the MCL-License Manager's login page (License Administration).
Your MCL-Client License Package is registered in your MCL-License Manager account and ready for activation. In other words, you can now attribute the available license unit(s), included in the license package, to your device(s). See How to Activate a Product License in a Device.
Option B
1. Open your MCL-License Manager account and the email you received after your MCL-Client license purchase ("subject: License Delivery Notification").
Ex: Your MCL-License Manager account already includes an MCL-Designer V4 license in use/activated.
2. Click .
3. Enter the license's number and activation code (the information is in the License Delivery Notification email).
4. Read the "EULA" regarding the new MCL-Client license (scroll down to access the text and activate the button).
5. If required, click to print the "EULA" document.
6. Click to conclude the operation. (This button only activates after you have scrolled down the "EULA" document.)
If you want to abort the registration, click .
Ex: The "Licenses" page now includes the activated MCL-Designer license and the newly registered MCL-Client license, which is not in use yet.
The new license was successfully registered and is ready to be installed/activated.
At the same time, you will receive an email (subject: License Activation) with the product name, product reference and license number as well as a link (License administration) to the MCL-License Manager's login page.
You are ready to use MCL-Loader V4 and activate your license package in your devices.
See How to Activate a Product License in a Device
If required, use the search box
to find the intended license.
Use one of the following search values:
•The license's number. You can use the structured format for the license number (ex: 1234-5678-9123-456-78) or the flat format (ex: 12345678912345678).
•The name or the serial number of the device with an active license unit associated to it (ex: the search returns the active (and expired) MCL-Client license(s) associated to the device).