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MCL-Mobility Platform is an integrated Operator Management and Device Monitoring platform. It is built on top of Amazon's Elastic Cloud Computing Platform (Amazon EC2) for maximum scalability, flexibility and security. It provides platform hosting services which handle storage and include the maintenance necessary to keep servers and data security running (backups and upgrade) while you access the software over a standard broadband internet connection.





This easy to control mobility platform provides comprehensive management, visibility and control over devices, applications and operators, all from a central Web Based Portal. Each site or location, within your enterprise, has its own secured access (a specific URL per site) for easy and quick access. Account administrators have full access (at platform and site level) whereas site-managers can only log in to their assigned part of the enterprise.


Using the MCL-Mobility Platform's console interface, site-managers can perform various device and application management tasks. Its embedded device deployment process makes it easy for anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to deploy and manage devices. It is server-agent based and built with operators (device operators) and users (web-portal users) in mind. For example, it enables the "out of the box provisioning" of devices, group deployments, etc.


This platform allows you to create and manage operator profiles (ex: setting language definitions, application access restrictions, etc.) and manage the operator's mobile devices regardless of the mobile platform or operating system they use (WM5-WM6/CE5-CE6-CE7/Android).


MCL-Mobility Platform also integrates voice business applications (MCL-Voice). Features such as applications, voice devices, operator's voice attributes, etc., are managed centrally.


Filebox is another innovative service included in an MCL-Mobility Platform account. It enables direct file exchange between devices and platform. The device operators are able to, securely, store and forward all the data you want to pass on to other systems in one central location, therefore, ending any need for in-house file servers to host your data.


In short, this is a fully integrated Enterprise Mobility Management Platform which represents an important asset to an enterprise's further development.