Navigating MCL-Mobility Platform

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Navigating MCL-Mobility Platform

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MCL-Mobility Platform is a user-friendly management application. It only displays the available sections/options according to access rights and informs the user about any incompatibilities regarding the tasks that the user is scheduling and/or performing. There are several general aspects that enable you to navigate, view and edit the available options.



Navigating MCL-Mobility Platform


Use the Breadcrumbs mechanism (located below the web page's header). This is a type of navigation scheme that reveals the user’s location in a website or Web application and enables the user to move between pages. Click directly on the page representation you wish to go to.




The Breadcrumb bar above informs the user that he is currently in a Site Details page, on "edit mode". The user can go to any of the pages displayed in the breadcrumb's sections. For example:

By clicking "Site Management", you access the Site Management page.
By clicking "MCL Technologies", you access the account's Admin Dashboard page (ex: Account example name is MCL Technologies).




Click Button_Back1 (whenever available) to return to the previous page.



In the Admin Dashboard, when you click a specific site (in the "Site Shortcuts" section), you open a new web browser tab. This new tab displays the Site Dashboard of the selected site (see Site Dashboard).



Navigation Buttons


The following buttons are recurrent. Use them to move around.


navigating pages buttonClick the page buttons located on the lower right corner of each view (every time the number of items exceeds one page) to navigate to the desired page.


Button_Page topClick this button to go to the top of the page.



Recognizing clickable elements


All the platform's clickable elements are displayed in light blue.

Ex: In the following image, you can click "My profile", "User Guide" and "Logout".

Welcome Box



View/Edit mode


Most of the pages of the MCL-Mobility Platform are initially displayed in "view mode" which does NOT allow for any changes.


Use the edit button button to edit the available options within any page of the application. Click it to set the corresponding page to "edit mode".

It is also possible to trigger the "edit mode" by double-clicking the data /field you want to edit.


Always end the "editing" operation by clicking Confirm button to apply the modifications or cancel gray button to abort.



Recurring Buttons


No Filter ButtonIs used to display hidden options. Depending on the page's context, it may provide different options. It usually provides access to the Button_Grid button (to enable a grid view) and the Button_List button (to enable a list view).


Site management items displayedAre used to control how many items are displayed at a time.


search boxIs used to search for specific list items.


Button_RefreshIs used to refresh the page's information.


Button Select all 3Is used to select all items in a list/grid.


Check boxIs used to select a single corresponding element.