The RFID Action

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The RFID Action

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This action is only associated to screens and is used to retrieve data from RFID tags and to store it in predefined variables. The positioning of this action in application execution is very specific. It is usually added to the screen after having established the read's start and/or stop and what the reading profile should be. See To Create a Simple Inventory Program.


Be aware you cannot add RFID processes to the RFID action that are considered synchronous processes. In other words, RFID processes that target a specific RFID tag (= Single Tag operations):

"Read" process

"Write" process

"Kill" process

"Lock/Unlock" process

"Erase" process


When you add the RFID action to a screen, you are required to define its settings. This occurs in its properties window which is displayed automatically after having added the action.

If any subsequent edition is required, double-click the action to open the window and enter the necessary modifications.



In the "RFID" action's properties window, maintain the "On Action" option as "RFID" and fill in the other options:


RFID Settings


Select the appropriate RFID profile from the drop-down. If required, click to create a new profile or edit an existing one. See Creating an RFID Profile.

The "<None>" profile is used in legacy cases, meaning, if you use an RFID profile that was enabled outside the "RFID" action (old "On RFID" Implementation).


Select the "<Default>" profile, if you do NOT require any data to be read (the EPC or User Memory Banks).

As a consequence of selecting the <Default> profile, the TAG inventory performance is faster since only the TID is scanned.

Auto Trigger

If you check this option, the device will automatically start reading tags when the application reaches the RFID read point (when the screen or a next screen is visible to the operator).


If you do not check this option, the device will not start reading tags when the screen or next screen is visible to the operator. Therefore, to start the inventory operation, the operator must use the device's “hard trigger” or a “soft trigger” must be added to the screen (the control must include the “Start/Stop Reading” process).

Variables to Assign

Field column

Define the field(s) of the RFID tag's memory bank(s) to be read. Select the required field(s) from the drop-down.


There are three types of fields available:

User Fields - Refers to fields, within the User memory bank, which were added in the RFID profile's properties window ("Design" tab).

See Creating an RFID Profile - Design tab.

The purpose for these fields is to increase tag reading speed of this memory bank - instead of reading the full User memory bank, the application only reads the selected field(s).

Static Fields - Refers to default fields within the EPC ("Stored PC"/"Stored CRC"/"Data") and Reserved ("Kill Password"/"Access Password") memory banks. If you select these fields, the application will not spend time reading the full EPC/Reserved memory banks, but will only read the intended fields.

Full Memory Bank - Refers to the full memory banks that can exist within an RFID tag. The application will read the full selected memory bank.

EPC – This memory bank normally stores the EPC code (Electronic Product Code).

TID – This memory bank stores the unique tag serial number attributed by the manufacturer when creating the tag. Not to be confused with "EPC Tag identification" (EPC data).

RSV – This memory bank stores the "Access" password and the "Kill" password.

USR – This memory bank is used as an extension of the EPC memory bank.


Note that the "RFID" action only reads a maximum of 64 bytes for the User “Full Memory Bank”.


Store into Variable column

Define the variable(s) that will store the value(s) read in the selected field(s). Click and select a variable from the variable list. See To Select/Create a Variable.

Use the editing icons to the right of the table to move the rows up and down and to delete or add more rows.

Set RFID Read Mode

Stop Reading

Select the adequate inventory operation ending:

On Trigger Release - The RFID reader stops reading RFID tags when the operator releases the trigger (hard trigger).

This option is NOT compatible with this action's "Auto Trigger" setting so, make sure the "Auto Trigger" option is NOT checked.


After 1 Read - The RFID reader stops reading after the first read.


After Number of Read - The reading stops after a predetermined number of reads. If selected, this option activates the "No. of Read" option.


On Time Out - The reading stops after a predetermined period of time. If selected, this option activates the "Time Out (s)" option.

If using Zebra devices, you MUST also check the "Auto Trigger" option to ensure that the hardware trigger starts the acquisition.


On Time Out/After Number of Read - the RFID reader stops reading after the pre-established time out or the number of reads is reached, whichever occurs first. This option activates both boxes below: "Time Out(s)" and "No. of Read".

If using Zebra devices, you MUST also check the "Auto Trigger" option to ensure that the hardware trigger starts the acquisition.


On Stop Command - The RFID reader stops reading RFID tags when a "Start/Stop Reading" process with a stop function is executed (ex: a Button control with the "Start/Stop Reading" process added to the screen where the tag reading takes place).

Time Out

This option is activated if "On Time Out" or "On Time Out/After Number of Read" is selected, so you can enter the period of time (in seconds) after which the reading stops.

No. of Read

This option is activated if "After Number of Read" or "On Time Out/After Number of Read" is selected, so you can define the number of reads until the RFID reader stops reading.



If required, use this action's predefined Local Variables to store data. See RFID Action's Predefined Local Variables below.




"RFID" Action's Predefined Local Variables


This action includes predefined local variables regarding the "RFID Tag Reading" process.


Variable Name





Variable ID






Stores the used RFID profile's name (*)

Stores the number of RFID tags detected during a session

Stores the detected RFID tags' identification (EPC data)

Stores the detected RFID tags' RSSI


Variable Name





Variable ID






Stores the detected RFID tags' Reserved memory bank, if a mapping is done in the "Field" column:

Select "Full Memory Bank - RSV" to be stored in the variable.

Stores the detected RFID tags' EPC memory bank, if a mapping is done in the "Field" column:

Select "Full Memory Bank - EPC" to be stored in the variable.

Stores the detected RFID tags' TID memory bank, if a mapping is done in the "Field" column:

Select "Full Memory Bank - TID" to be stored in the variable.

Stores the detected RFID tags' User memory bank, if a mapping is done in the "Field" column:

Select "Full Memory Bank - USR" to be stored in the variable.


* Defined when an RFID profile is created. See Creating an RFID Profile.