Deleting a Configuration

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Deleting a Configuration

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It is possible to delete configurations, as long as they are not associated to deployments.



1. In the Site Dashboard's "Control Panel" section, click Applications button and, then, in the resulting row below, click Configurations Sub Module Button to access the "Configurations" page.


Site Configurations0B


NoteCheck the button_show all versions option (accessed when you click No Filter Button) to ensure the viewing of all configuration versions and not just the latest version of each configuration. This way you are sure of the configurations that need to be deleted.


2. Select the configuration(s) to be deleted by clicking the corresponding Check box. If you want to select all configurations at once, click Button Select all 3.


3. Click Delete Header Button.


Delete Configurations Confirmation


4. Click Confirm button to conclude the operation.

If you are unable to conclude, due to an error message, check Possible Error Message(s) below.



Possible Error Message(s)


Site Configurations del error1


Site Configurations del error2


Error Message_Config Cannot Be Deleted Double Cond.


Occurrence: When clicking Confirm button.

Cause: The configuration to be deleted is included in a deployment or assigned to a device group.

Action: No action. It is NOT possible to delete a configuration that is already associated/assigned to a deployment/device group. The "delete" operation is, therefore, canceled.