Assigning a Configuration to a Device Group

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Assigning a Configuration to a Device Group

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Configurations are assigned to Device Groups. This action originates a deployment plan (see Creating a Deployment).




1. In the Site Dashboard's "Control Panel" section, click Applications button and, then, in the resulting row below, click Configurations Sub Module Button to access the "Configurations" page.


Site Configurations0


2. Select the configuration to be assigned to a group by clicking the corresponding Check box.


3. Click Assign to Group Header Button. This opens a "Deployment plans" window.


If an error message appears, check Possible Error Message(s) to know how to proceed.


Deployments Plan Window


4. Define the target Device Group. Select it from the drop-down list (the drop-down list only provides device groups compatible with the configuration).


TIPIf the target device group has no devices, you will not be able to schedule the deployment plan, it will be forced as soon as possible.



Configuration Deployment Plans Window


5. Define the following options:



Select the deployment mode:

Incremental: Only components present in the deployed configuration that are not present on the device will be implemented.

Clean & install: Deletes all the applications/firmwares and forces the installation of the components present in the deployed configuration.

Planing date

Check the most appropriate option:

As soon as possible: The deployment will happen as soon as the device contacts the account and the deployment criteria are met.

At scheduled date:


Config Deployment Plan Calendar detail

Click Date button to display a calendar where you can define the day and hour of the deployment. The device will only deploy the configuration after this date and time.

See Scheduling a Deployment.


6. Click Save button1 to complete the operation.



TIPRemember that deployments can only start when the target device(s) are in the cradle (a default deployment criteria).




Possible Error Message(s)

Deployment plan error message


Occurrence: When clicking Assign to Group Header Button.

Cause: No configuration selected.

Action: Check the Check box of the intended configuration (step 2) and, then, click Assign to Group Header Button.