Creating a Deployment

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Creating a Deployment

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A Deployment is the task responsible for sending and uploading a configuration into a device group. Even though configurations are available to all sites in the account, deployments are tasks which are limited to the site they are created in.



A deployment always implies the previous creation of a configuration and a device group.

For more detailed information, see Creating a Configuration and Creating a Device Group.



TIPBefore creating a new deployment, check the "Deployment Plans" page to avoid creating incompatibilities or duplicated deployments.




1. To access the Deployments sub-module, click Applications button (in the Control Panel) and, in the resulting row below, click Deployment Sub Module Button.

This opens the "Deployment Plans" page.


Site Deployments0


2. Click Add Deployment Plan Header Button to open the "Deployment Plans" window.


Site Deployments add0


3. Fill in the options available.


Device Group

Select the target device group for this deployment from the drop down list.

Group Configuration

Select the configuration and version to be deployed from the drop-down list (the list only displays compatible configurations for the selected device group).


Select the deployment mode:

Incremental: Only components present in the deployed configuration, that are not present on the device, will be implemented.

Clean & install: Deletes all the applications/firmwares and forces the installation of the components present in the deployed configuration.

Planning date

Select a type of scheduling:

As soon as possible: the deployment will happen as soon as the device contacts the account and the deployment criteria are met.

At scheduled date: Click Date button to display a calendar where you can define the day and hour of the deployment. See Scheduling a Deployment.


4. After defining all the available details, click Save button1.



Check the Possible Error Message(s), if an error occurs.




Deployments can be planned in other contexts and sub-modules. If you use any of the options below, you also open a "Deployment Plans" window:


In the "Deployment Plans" page, click the planned deployment date (displayed in light blue). For more information, see Editing a Deployment.


In the "Configurations" page, click Assign to Group Header Button . For more information, see Assigning a Configuration to a Device Group.


In the "Device groups" page, click Change Config Header Button . For more information, see Planning a Deployment for a Device Group.


In the "Device Group Details" page, click Deployment Plan Header Button. For more information, see Planning a Deployment for a Device Group.



NoteDepending on the context, a "Deployment Plans" window may display different options to select from.

Ex: If you open a "Deployment Plans" window in the "Deployment Plans" page, you have to select the target device group, the configuration, the mode and planning date.

However, if you are currently on a specific "Device Group Details" page and open a "Deployment Plans" window, it will only provide the configuration, the mode and planning date options since it is no longer necessary to select a device group.



Possible Error Message(s)


Message Deployment error


Occurrence: When clicking Save button1.

Cause: No configuration version is selected.

Action: Select a configuration version from the available choices, in the "version" drop-down box and click Save button1.



At Device Level


Once a deployment is created, and depending on the selected “Planning date” option ("as soon as possible" or a specific date), all the devices belonging to the selected device group will receive the defined configuration (if the deployment criteria are met). Depending on the device's Operating System (Windows Mobile or Android), the deployment's screen sequence will be different:


Screen Sequence of a Deployment in a Windows Mobile Device


NoteTo start a deployment, the target device(s) must be in the cradle, connected to external power (a default deployment criteria for windows mobile devices).




NoteEach device must have MCL-Agent already installed. For more information, see Installing MCL-Agent into a Windows Mobile Device.



1. Initial App Desktop state before starting the deployment.


Deployment in Terminal1


2. During the deployment, the screen is locked and displays the image of a padlock.


Deployment in Terminal2


3. Once the deployment is concluded, the screen is unlocked and, if the deployment includes an application, the "App Desktop" displays that application's shortcut icon.


Deployment in Terminal3



Screen Sequence of a Deployment in an Android Device


NoteEach device must have MCL-Agent already installed. For more information, see Installing MCL-Agent into an Android Device.



1. Initial App Desktop state before starting the deployment.


Android Pairing02


2. Once the deployment criteria are met, the App Desktop closes and displays the last OS open area.

(The deployment downloads and installs its components.)


Android sync20


3. The App Desktop starts again.


Android Pairing02


4. Final App Desktop state once the deployment is finished.


Android sync22