Pairing a Windows Mobile Device

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Pairing a Windows Mobile Device

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The following steps explain how to execute the "pairing" of a Windows Mobile windows-mobile-logo device.




The "pairing" operation will occur simultaneously in the device and in the MCL-Mobility Platform account because you are registering a device in your account with information provided by the MCL-Agent installed in the device.


NoteMake sure the device's system date is set later than 2010, before initializing the pairing operation.



NoteConnect your device to the Internet via Wifi or USB (with Windows Mobile Device Center).




Confirm if the destination site for the pairing operation includes a compatible device group. If there is none, you must create it. For more information, see Creating a Device Group.






1. Start by making sure that the device has MCL-Agent installed. If it is not, install it. For more information, see Installing MCL-Agent into a Windows Mobile Device.

The "App Desktop" should launch automatically, once the device has the MCL-Agent installed and running (continue to step 3).

If it does NOT, proceed to step 2 to launch it manually:


2. Launch "App Desktop" by clicking Android Pairing01.


Pairing 1


3. Click App Desktop Menu Button (located on the screen's upper right corner).


Pairing 2


4. Click Android Pairing06.


Pairing 3


5. Wait a few moments for the device's MCL-Agent to generate an 8 numbers sequence PIN.

If you want to abort the "pairing" operation:


a. Click Cancel Pairing 1 in the pop-up menu, which will close.


Pairing Error 1


b. Click Do It Later and the device will return to the "App Desktop".


c. If you want to resume the "pairing" operation, click Request PIN Code 2 and wait for the pin code to be generated.


If an error message appears, check Possible Error Message(s) to know how to proceed.


The device displays the pin code to be entered in your MCL-Mobility Platform account.


Pairing 4


TIPBe aware of the 5 minutes countdown warning you to continue and conclude the "Pairing" operation in those 5 minutes.



6. Open the MCL-Mobility Platform site with the device group you want to include this device in.


7. Click Devices Button (located in the "Control Panel").


Site Control Panel_Devices


8. In the resulting row below, click Devices Sub Module Button to access the "Devices" page.


Site Devices0A


9. Click Pairing Devices Header Button.


Device Pairing Window 1


10. Enter the PIN code (8 numbers) provided by the device's MCL-Agent.


Device Pairing Window 1A


11. Click Next Button Blue Arrow.

If an error message appears, check Possible Error Message(s) to know how to proceed.


Device Pairing window 2


12. Check the information about the device.



The device's software serial number.


The device's manufacturer serial number.


The device's manufacturer.


The device's model.


The device's Operating System.


13. Click Next Button Blue Arrow to proceed.

If you want to return to the previous window and restart, click Previous Gray Button.

If you want to abort the operation, click cancel gray button.


Device Pairing Window 3


14. Select the appropriate device group. The drop-down list only displays device groups that are compatible with the device.


Device Pairing Window 3A


15. Click Confirm button to conclude the pairing operation in MCL-Mobility Platform.

If you want to return to the previous window, click Previous Gray Button.

If you want to abort the operation, click cancel gray button.


Once you click Confirm button, the corresponding "Device Details" page opens.



The device has a "disabled" status, by default. To change it, see Changing a Device's Status.



16. Return to your device. The device's screen displays the following information:


Pairing 5


17. Click Android Pairing15 to conclude the operation on this end and return to the "App Desktop".



Possible Error Message(s):


In MCL-Mobility Platform:


Error message Pairing pin expired

Error message Pairing pin not existing


Occurrence: After entering the Pin and clicking Next Button Blue Arrow.

Cause: The entered Pin is incorrect.

Action: Make sure the PIN code is correct, enter it in the appropriate field and click Next Button Blue Arrow.



In the Windows Mobile windows-mobile-logo device:


Pairing Error 1


Occurrence: After clicking Cancel Pairing 1 in the pop-up menu.

Cause: Aborted pairing operation.

Action: Click Do It Later to return to the "App Desktop" OR  click Request PIN Code 2 to resume the pairing operation.



Pairing Error 2


Occurrence: After you have clicked Android Pairing06 and during pin code generating.

Cause: No internet connection (no access to the MCL-Mobility Platform).

Action: Depends on the type of connection used by your device:

If your device is connected via USB, make sure that:

a. Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Center is connected to the device.

b. Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Center is allowing the device to use your PC's internet connection.

If your device is connected via WiFi, check:

a. the WiFi connection (network, profile, etc.).


Installing MCL-Agent into a Windows Mobile windows-mobile-logoDevice




Depending on the Device Manufacturer, download the specific MCL-Agent Package:





For more information, check our MCL-Technologies download website.


1. Turn on the device.


2. Connect the device to a computer, via USB.


3. In your PC, open Windows Mobile Device Center.


MP Site OM_Devices_Add wayA1


4. Select the "Connect without setting up your device" option.


MP Site OM_Devices_Add wayA1a


5. Click "File Management" and, then, "Browse the contents of your device" to browse, via your PC, for folders within your device.


6. Locate a folder, within the device, to copy the MCL-Agent files into.


Install Admin 3a


7. Drop the MCL-Agent Package into the folder within the device.


Install Admin 3


8. Back in your device's screen, locate the folder you have copied the MCL-Agent file into.


Install Admin 5


9. Click the "MOT_ADM_Ent..." package.

The selected package will automatically begin the installation.


Install Admin 1


You can check the installation's progress. Once it is completed, you will view the following screen.


Install Admin 2


10.Click Device Screen OK.


11. Perform a reboot to auto-start MCL-Agent and proceed to register the device in the account (Pairing).