Creating a Device Group

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Creating a Device Group

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From a device management point of view, it is important to start by ensuring the existence of appropriate Device Groups within the site, meaning, compatible with the devices used on the site. This is fundamental because most of the tasks involving devices are executed at Device Group level (creating a configuration, planning a deployment, etc.).



1. In the Site Dashboard's "Control Panel", click Devices Button and, in the resulting row below, click Device Groups Sub Module Button to access the "Device Groups" page.


Device Groups Page


2. Click Add Device Group Header Button to open the "New Device Group" page.


New Device Group Prop Tab


3. This page is set to "edit mode". Fill in the following options (the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk) on the "Properties" tab:


Name *

Define the name for the new device group.

Select Device Type *

Select the device group's manufacturer and the model from the corresponding drop-down boxes.

As an alternative, click lupa button and select a device type. See Detail of Select Device Type window below.

Filebox Sync. Folder

Define the folder used to synchronize the files from the Filebox 's Outbox to the devices within the device group. Either enter the folder's name or click lupa button to search for it:


Device Group Details Select Folder

1. Click lupa button to open a window with a drop-down list of available filebox folder options.

2. Select the required filebox file.

3. Click Confirm button to conclude and return to the "Properties" tab.


If relevant, add notes regarding the new device group.


Detail of Select Device Type window


Select a device A


When you click lupa button (on the "Device Type" field), you open a window with the available device types displayed in a grid view.



NoteThe “Device Type“ list only displays the devices selected when the current site was created.



Use the following options to control the display of listed items:


Use search box (on the window's upper right corner) to filter the information:


a. Enter what you want to search for.

b. Click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard to initiate the search.

c. To conclude the search operation, empty the search box and click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard.


Manufacturer drop down boxFilter the display by selecting a specific manufacturer from the drop-down list.


Select the device type by checking the corresponding Check box and click Select Green Button to return to the "New Device Group" page.


4. Go to the "Server" tab.


New Device Group Server Tab


5. Select an available server from the "Server" drop-down list.

The fields below will automatically display information regarding the selected server (Address, Port, Subnet, Gateway) which is entered in the "Servers" sub-module. For more information, see Server Details.

If you select "-Custom-", you will have to fill in the remaining fields.



Enter the custom server's address.


Enter the custom server's port.


Enter the custom server's subnet mask.


Enter the custom server's gateway.


6. Proceed to the "Custom field labels" tab.


New Device Group Cust field Label Tab


7. If required, enter new labels to substitute the default device field labels (Info 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).


TIPRemember that customizing these device field labels will only affect the devices contained in this particular device group. To modify the device field labels of all the devices included in the site's device groups, you must edit them in the Site Details sub-module. For more information, see Site Details.



8. Click Confirm button to conclude the operation.


The new device group is displayed in the "Device Groups" page.