Editing a Deployment

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Editing a Deployment

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Only deployments with a "planned" status can be edited.




1. To access the Deployments sub-module, click Applications button( in the Control Panel) and, in the resulting row below, click Deployment Sub Module Button.

This opens the "Deployment Plans" page.


Site Deployments0


TIPMake sure the "view mode" enables the displaying of planned deployments (all "view modes", except "With error").



2. Click the deployment date you want to edit (must be displayed in light blue and with a MP Site AP_Deplyment sign0 attached to it).


Change Config Deployment Plans Window5


3. If required, modify the configuration and version, the mode and "Planning date".


Group Configuration

Maintain or select a new configuration and/or configuration version.


Maintain or select another deployment mode.

Incremental: Only components present in the deployed configuration, that are not present on the device, will be implemented.

Clean & install: Deletes all the applications/firmwares and forces the installation of the components present in the deployed configuration.

Planning date

Maintain or edit the "Planning Date" options:

As soon as possible: whenever the device contacts the account and the deployment criteria are met.

At scheduled date: the deployment is planned at a predetermined date/time. If this is the selected option, you can view the planned deployment date and, therefore, can edit it as well. See Scheduling a Deployment.


4. To save your changes, click Save button1.