Scheduling a Deployment

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Scheduling a Deployment

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When planning a deployment (see Creating a Deployment), you can schedule it "As soon as possible" or for a specific date and time.

Since you can plan a deployment in other contexts, not just in the "Deployment" sub-module, the following presents all the possible options to open a "Deployment Plans" window:


a. In the "Deployment Plans" page, click Add Deployment Plan Header Button . For more information, see Creating a Deployment.


b. In the "Deployment Plans" page, click the planned deployment date (displayed in light blue). For more information, see Editing a Deployment.


c. In the "Configurations" page, click Assign to Group Header Button . For more information, see Assigning a Configuration to a Device Group.


d. In the "Device groups" page, click Change Config Header Button . For more information, see Planning a Deployment for a Device Group.


e. In the "Device Group Details" page, click Deployment Plan Header Button .For more information, see Planning a Deployment for a Device Group.



NoteDepending on the path used to open a "Deployment Plans" window, the window may display different options to select from.

Ex: If you open a "Deployment Plans" window using Add Deployment Plan Header Button (on the "Deployment Plans" page), you have to select the target device group, the configuration, the mode and planning date.

However, if you are currently on a specific "Device Group Details" page and click Deployment Plan Header Button, ,it is no longer necessary to select a device group. Only the configuration, the mode and planning date options are available.



Once you have opened the "Deployment Plans" window and select the target device group and/or the configuration (depending on the window's available options), you are provided access to the "Planning date" option.


Deployment Plans window Planning Date


If you check the "As soon as possible" option, the deployment will start as soon as the devices, included in the target device group, contact the account.


If you check the "At scheduled date", a new option is activated to allow you to schedule the deployment.


Deployment Plans Window At Scheduled Date


To define a specific date/time for the deployment, proceed as follows:




1. Click Calendar button to display a calendar.


Calendar Example 1


The calendar highlights the current day.


2. Select the intended day for the deployment. Use the <</</>/>> to navigate the months/years.

If you want to deploy on the day you are scheduling the deployment, click Today Button.


Calendar Example 2


3. To define the hour for the deployment (default hour is 12:00), click the box with the hour. This provides further options.


Calendar Example  3


4. Select the desired hour/minutes with the scroll arrows (ex: 15:00) or enter the information in the corresponding boxes.


Calendar Example 4


5. Click OK Hour Button to apply or Cancel Hour Button to abort the hour selection.


Calendar Example 5


If you want to clear all your options, click Clean Button and start over (steps 2, 3, 4 and 5).

If you want to exit the calendar, click Calendar Close Button.


6. When the date/time is defined, click Apply Button and your choices are displayed in the "Planning date" field of the "Deployment Plans" window.



Change Config Deployment Plans Window5


7. Conclude the deployment planning operation by clicking Save button1.



TIPAs an alternative, enter the desired date and time for the deployment in the Calendar Box box and click Save button1.

Enter the information with the following format - DD/MM/YYYY(space)HH:MM. Ex: Calendar Box example.