Creating a Configuration

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Creating a Configuration

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Configurations are containers with specific software elements (applications, MCL-software, files) directed at specific devices which are grouped according to model (Device Groups). A configuration that is created in a particular site is, by default, shared with the other sites in the account (unless the configuration is restricted to a specific site).



1. In the Site Dashboard's "Control Panel" section, click Applications button to access the Configurations Sub Module Button button.


2. Click Configurations Sub Module Button and open the "Configurations" page.


Site Configurations0



TIPIt is recommended that the Show all Versions Button option (click No Filter Button to access it) is checked. This ensures the viewing of all existing versions for each configuration instead of just the latest configuration version prior to adding a new configuration.


3. Click Add Configuration Header Button to open the "New Configuration step 1 (Properties tab)" wizard page.


Site Configurations Add A


4. Fill in the information for the new configuration (the fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory):


Name *

Enter the name for the new configuration.

Version *

Define the configuration's version.

Device Type *

Select the manufacturer and the model of the configuration's target device from the corresponding drop-down boxes. As an alternative, click lupa button and select a device type. See Detail of Select Device Type window below.

Restrict Configuration...(to current Site)

Check this option to limit the configuration's use to the current site (by default, configurations are available to all sites within the account).


If relevant, add notes regarding the new configuration.


Detail of Select Device Type window


Select a device A


a. Clicking lupa button ,opens a "Select Device Type" window with the available device types displayed in a grid view. (The “Device Type“ list only displays the devices selected for the current site.)


b. Select the device type by checking the corresponding Check box and click Select Green Button to return to the "New Configuration step 1 (Properties tab)" wizard page.


Use the following options to control the display of listed items:


search box (on the window's upper right corner) Use the search box to filter the information:


a. Enter what you want to search for.

b. Click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard to initiate the search.

c. To conclude the search operation, empty the search box and click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard.


Manufacturer drop down boxFilter the item display by selecting a specific manufacturer from the drop-down list.


5. Click Button_Next to proceed to the "New Configuration step 2 (Firmwares tab)" wizard page.


If an error message appears, check Possible Error Message(s).


Site Configurations Add1 A


To return to the "New Configuration step 1 (Properties tab)" wizard page, click Button_Previous OR Step 1 Wizard icon.


6. Select the product/corresponding firmware package version for your configuration from the corresponding drop-down list.

Depending on the selected product/firmware package version, you may have firmware options to select. If there are no firmware options, proceed to step 8.

If there are, continue to step 7.


7. Make your selection according to the imposed rules/available options.

Ex: Select a minimum and a maximum number of firmware options by checking the corresponding Check box in each tab.


new Configuration Step 2 Firmware Options


Click info button to open a "Packages" window and view the name of the selected firmware package version.


Packages Window2


8. Click Button_Next to continue to the "New Configuration step 3 (Applications tab)" wizard page.


To return to the "New Configuration step 2 (Firmwares tab)" wizard page, click Button_Previous OR Step 2 Wizard icon.


Site Configurations Add7 A


TIPBefore creating a configuration, make sure you have applications available. If that is not the case, add them. For more information, see Adding an Application.


9. If required, add applications to your configuration. Click Add Applications button to open a "Select Application" window.


Select Application Window


This window displays the available applications and corresponding versions.


If required, use search box (on the window's upper right corner) to filter the information:


a. Enter what you want to search for.

b. Click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard to initiate the search.

c. To conclude the search operation, empty the search box and click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard.


10. Select the appropriate application version by checking the corresponding Check box and proceed to step 15.

As an alternative, continue to step 11 and import an application.


11. Click Import an Application Button which opens an "Import Application" window.


Import an Application window


12. Click Add Button Blue to open an OS file explorer window.




13. Select the intended application and click Button_Open.


NoteThe imported file must have a .pdk or .cab extension.

Any other file extension results in an error message and an aborted import. If this is the case, check Possible Error Message(s) to know how to proceed.


The selected file is displayed in the "Import Application" window.


Import Application window Upload


If necessary, delete the newly imported application(s):

To delete one application at a time, click the corresponding Button_Delete0.
To delete all applications at once, click Button_Clear all.


14. Once you have imported the required application(s), click Button_Upload.

If an error message appears, check Possible Error Message(s) to know how to proceed.


Select Application Result Window


The imported file is, now, displayed in the "Select Application" window.


15. Click Add Check Gray Button and return to the "New Configuration step 3 (Applications tab)" wizard page.


New Configuration Step 3 Result


16. If you want to add more applications, click Add Applications button and repeat steps 9 to 15.


17. If required, add resources to an application. Click the corresponding Button_add resources attached to the application you want to add resources to and continue to step 18.

If you do not want to add any resources, proceed to step 22.


Upload Resource0


18. Click Add Button Blue and open an OS file explorer window.




19. Select the appropriate file and click Open.


Upload resource window 2


The resource file is displayed in the "Upload Resource" window.


If necessary, it is possible to delete the newly added resource(s):

To delete one resource at a time, click the corresponding Button_Delete0.
To delete all resources at once, click Button_Clear all.


20. If you are done adding resources, click Button_Upload and continue to step 21. If you want to add more resources, repeat steps 18 and 19.


New Configuration Step 3 Result 2


The resource is automatically uploaded.


21. If required, click the corresponding "associated resources" option of the intended application (displayed in light blue) to view or remove any resources included in each application.


Resources Display window


Added resources can be removed from the application:


a. Select the resource(s) you want to delete by clicking the corresponding Check box.

b. Click Remove Button to conclude the operation.


22. If there are no more applications/resources to be added, click Button_Next to continue to the "New Configuration step 4 (Misc tab)" wizard page.


New Configuration Step 4


To return to the "New Configuration step 3 (Applications tab)" wizard page,click Button_Previous OR Step 3 Wizard icon.


23. If required, click Button_add resources to add resources to your configuration.


Add Resources Window


24. In the resulting window, click Add Button Blue. This opens an OS file explorer window.




25. Select the appropriate resource and click Button_Open.


Upload Resource to Configuration window


The resource file is displayed in the "Upload Resource" window.


If necessary, it is possible to delete the newly added application(s):

To delete one application at a time, click the corresponding Button_Delete0.
To delete all applications at once, click Button_Clear all.


26. If there are no more resources to add, click Button_Upload. If you want to add more resources, repeat steps 24 and 25.


New Configuration Step 4 Result



NoteIf you upload files with a .pdk or .cab extension, you do not need to enter a path. For any other file extensions, you must enter the path in the "Resources" box, in order to locate the file.

To ensure compatibility with the Windows Mobile and Android operating systems, use a backlash at the beginning and end of the entered path (ex: <apps>\Temp\).



If you want to deploy files (with extensions other than .pdk or .cab) to a known location, you can use the corresponding alias in the path.

<APPS>, <SHARED> and/or <MCL> are the available aliases you can enter (ex: <APPS>\User_Guide\).


NoteIf your valid path is pointing towards a device folder that does not exist, one is created in the device.



New Configuration Step 4 Result2


You can delete the newly added resource(s) by clicking the corresponding Button_Delete0.


27. Complete the configuration creation by clicking Button_Save.


If an error message appears, check Possible Error Message(s) below to know how to proceed.


The new configuration will be displayed in the "Configurations" page.




Possible Error Message(s)


Error Message_Enter a Name


Occurrence: When clicking Button_Next on the "New Configuration step 1 (Properties tab)" wizard page.

Cause: No name for the new configuration was entered.

Action: Enter a name for the configuration.


Message New configuration error


Occurrence: When clicking Button_Next on the "New Configuration step 1 (Properties tab)" wizard page.

Cause: The name for the new configuration is already in use.

Action: Increment the version or change the configuration name.


Error Message_Select Device Type


Occurrence: When clicking Button_Next on the "New Configuration step 1 (Properties tab)" wizard page.

Cause: No device type was selected for the new configuration.

Action: Select a device type for the configuration.


Error Message Invalid Zip File


Occurrence: When trying to upload an imported file.

Cause: Any imported application must have a .pdk or .cab extension.

Action: Repeat the import operation and select a file with the correct extension.


Error Message_No destination Path


Occurrence: When clicking Button_Save, on the "New Configuration step 4 (Misc tab)" wizard page.

Cause: The added resource does not have a .pdk or .cab extension and no path was provided.

Action: Enter a path to locate the file.


error message empty configuration


Occurrence: When clicking Button_Save, on the "New Configuration step 4 (Misc tab)" wizard page.

Cause: The configuration must always have content (applications and/or firmware and/or resources), otherwise, it will not be created/saved.

Action: Add, at least, one of the mentioned elements. Depending on what you are including in the configuration, go to the:

"New Configuration step 2 (Firmwares tab)" wizard page to add Firmware.
"New Configuration step 3 (Applications tab)" wizard page to add the appropriate application(s).
"New Configuration step 4 (Misc tab)" wizard page to add the required resource(s).


Error message_same application exists


Occurrence: When clicking Button_Upload, in the "Import Application" window, after selecting an application .

Cause: The account already includes an application with the same name/version.

Action: Either choose an application within the account or import a different application.


NoteTo have a configuration deployed into devices, you must create a deployment plan. For more detailed information, see Creating a Deployment.



TIPYou can use the 4 botoes buttons of the "New Configuration" wizard to navigate between steps.