Editing Server Details

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Editing Server Details

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The details displayed in the "Properties" tab of the "Server Details" page are editable. It is also possible to change the server's current status. A server either has an "Enabled" or a "Disabled" status.




1. Click Devices Button, in the "Control Panel" and, in the resulting row below, click Servers Sub Module Button.

This opens a "Servers" page.


Servers Page


2. Select the server you want to view by clicking its alias (displayed in light blue). This opens the corresponding "Server Details" page.


Server Details Page1 View Mode


3. Click Edit buttonto set the page to "edit mode".


Server Details Page Prop Tab Edit


4. Make the necessary modifications in the following fields:



This field is NOT editable.

Server Alias *

Enter a different alias.


Enter a new server address (if it is an MCL-Net server, enter "http:// + IP number").


Enter a different port.


Enter a different subnet mask.


Enter a new gateway.

Max. Connections

Enter a different number for the maximum of connections allowed.


Edit the server information.


5. Once you have edited the required fields, click Confirm button to conclude the server details edition.



Changing Server Status


A server either has an "Enabled" or a "Disabled" status.



NoteIf you apply a "disabled" status to a server, the communication flow between server and the devices, that are associated to that server, will be interrupted. Operationally speaking, even though a server is "disabled", it will still communicate with the account to check for status changes. It simply will not perform any tasks.





1. Click Devices Button, in the "Control Panel" and, in the resulting row below, click Servers Sub Module Button.

This opens a "Servers" page.


Servers Page


2. Select the server you want to view by clicking its alias (displayed in light blue). This opens the corresponding "Server Details" page.


Server Details Page1 View Mode


3. Click Change Status Button.


Change Status Server Confirmation


4. Select the required status from the drop-down list.


5. Click Confirm button to conclude the operation.


The new status is displayed in the "Status" field to the left of the "Server Details" page.



Editing a non-MCL-Net server


1. Click Devices Button, in the "Control Panel" and, in the resulting row below, click Servers Sub Module Button to open a "Servers" page.


Servers Page_non NCL Net server


2. Select the server you want to view by clicking its alias (displayed in light blue). This opens the corresponding "Server Details" page.


Server Details Page NON MCL server


3. Click Edit buttonto set the page to "edit mode".


Server Details Edit_non MCL Server


4. Make the necessary modifications.



Maintain a non-MCL-Net server OR  select an available MCL-Net product from the drop-down list.

Installation Code

If you have selected an MCL product, enter the Installation code provided by MCL-Net. Refer to the MCL-Net V4 User Guide for more detailed information on MCL Net V4 subscription activation steps.

Server Alias *

Maintain or enter a name to be the server's alias.


Maintain or enter a different server's address (if it is an MCL-Net server, enter "http:// + IP number").


Maintain or enter a different the server's port.


Maintain or enter a different the server's subnet mask.


Maintain or enter a different the server's gateway.

Max. Connections

Maintain or define a different maximum of connections that the server is allowed to establish.


If relevant, edit the information regarding the server.


5. Once you have edited the required fields, click Confirm button to conclude the server details edition.