Adding a Server

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Adding a Server

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Servers are, simultaneously, data storage and a source of data to be sent to devices.

The maximum number of servers to be created is defined in the account's subscription.



1. To access the Servers sub-module, click Devices Button, in the "Control Panel" and, in the resulting row below, click Servers Sub Module Button.

This opens a "Servers" page.


Servers Page


2. Click Add Server Header Button to access the "New Server" page.


New Server Page_MCL Net Server


3. Fill in the following fields (the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk).



Select the MCL product for your subscription from the drop-down list.

Installation Code *

Enter the installation code provided by MCL-Net V4. Refer to the MCL-Net V4 User Guide for more detailed information on MCL Net subscription activation steps.

Server Alias *

Enter a name to be the server's alias.


Enter the server's address (if it is an MCL-Net server, enter "http:// + IP number").


Enter the server's port.


Enter the server's subnet mask.


Enter the server's gateway.

Max. Connections

Define the maximum of connections that the server is allowed to establish.


If relevant, add information regarding the server.




When creating a server, check how many servers are included in the subscription so that the number of servers is not exceeded.

If the server limit is reached, when you attempt to add a new server, you will get the following message:


Error Message_Server Limits




4. Click Confirm button to conclude the process.



Adding a non-MCL-Net server


1. Click Devices Button, in the "Control Panel" and, in the resulting row below, click Servers Sub Module Button to open a "Servers" page.


Servers Page


2. Click Add Server Header Button to access the "New Server" page.


New Server Page_non MCL Net Server


3. Fill in the following fields (the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk).



Do NOT select a product (there are only MCL-Net products available).

Installation Code

This field is only used when adding an MCL-Net server.

Server Alias *

Enter a name to be the server's alias.


Enter the server's address.


Enter the server's port.


Enter the server's subnet mask.


Enter the server's gateway.

Max. Connections

Define the maximum of connections that the server is allowed to establish.


If relevant, add information regarding the server.


4. Click Confirm button to conclude the process.