Editing Device Details

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Editing Device Details

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It is possible to edit some of the device's details, namely the "Properties" tab of the "Device Details" page. The remaining tabs (System, Network, MCL Client and Location) are NOT editable. The information displayed in these tabs comes from the recurring communication between device and account.




1. Click Devices Button, in the "Control Panel" and, in the resulting row below, click Devices Sub Module Button.

This opens a "Devices" page.


Site Devices0


2. Select the device you want to view by clicking its name (displayed in light blue). This opens the corresponding "Device Details" page.


Site Devices det1


3. Click Edit button to set the page to "edit mode".


Device Details Page Prop Tab Edit


4. Edit the information on the following fields, as required:


Name/Alias *

Enter a new device name or alias.


Edit the software serial number.

Manufacturer SN

Edit the device's serial number.

Logical Address

Edit the MCL Logical Address (Subnet ID – Device ID) (MCL Client Version 3 legacy).

Info 1 -> 5

Edit the information regarding the device.


Edit the information regarding the device.


5. Once you have edited the appropriate fields in the "Properties" tab, click Confirm button to apply the modifications.