Detailing MCL-PDK Builder's Work Section

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Detailing MCL-PDK Builder's Work Section

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The Work Section of MCL-PDK Builder includes information on the PDK and displays its components and parameters. This is where you edit the current PDK - you can add or delete files contained within the PDK as well as change some of the properties of a selected file.

This section consists of a header with information on the PDK itself, a table that displays the editable files contained in the PDK and a status bar (the Work Section's lower area ) that displays system messages whenever necessary (ex: the feedback of a "Verify" operation such as validation or error messages).


The MCL-PDK Builder's Work Section




The icon that represents the application contained in the PDK ("aps_icon.png").


The name of the application contained in the PDK (ex: Inventory_Demo).

PDK Type

The type of PDK (ex: MCL-Application).

Number of Files

The number of compressed files contained in the PDK (ex: 42).

PDK Size

The total size of the compressed files included in the PDK (ex: 548,96 kB).

Expanded Size

The total size of the files included in the PDK when decompressed (ex: 570,11 kB).

Files table

Padlock column

The padlock marks the files that are encrypted.

Name column

The name of the PDK component (file).

Destination column

The path to the installation folder of the PDK component.

Last Modified column

The date of the last time the PDK component was edited.


The buttons to the left of the table are used to add, remove or edit the selected component. See To Edit PDK Components.