MCL-PDK Builder

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MCL-PDK Builder

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MCL-PDK Builder is a tool that allows you to create and/or edit "*.pdk" files.

A "*.pdk" file (also known as PDK) is an archive file that can contain a number of files.

In the MCL universe, a PDK can contain the files that make up an MCL application or can contain MCL firmware. It is used to deploy files into a device. The PDK contains the necessary information (ex: app type, format, name, version, list of files to be installed with the corresponding relative/absolute paths and/or alias, etc.) to download and place the MCL application or firmware files into the appropriate directory within the device.


MCL-PDK Builder allows you to create a customized "*.pdk" file or to create a shortcut "*.pdk" file (a file with the specific purpose of allowing App Desktop to display non-MCL application shortcuts).

This tool is also useful for the edition of existing PDKs, for instance, the PDK that is automatically generated in MCL-Designer when you are developing a project. This "*.pdk" file is updated whenever you save, generate or simulate during project development and you can edit it afterward in the MCL-PDK Builder as well.



To Install/Access MCL-PDK Builder


Currently, MCL-PDK Builder is included in the MCL-Designer V4 installation package. Once MCL-Designer V4's installation is complete, it will also have installed MCL-PDK Builder and your desktop will display the corresponding MCL-PDK Builder icon - . Use it to start the MCL-PDK Builder application.


Any updates related to MCL-PDK Builder are managed within the MCL-Designer V4's updates. See MCL-Designer V4 Updates.



MCL-PDK Builder's Main Window


This is the main window of MCL-PDK Builder:










Only the and the options are active. All the other options only become available when you create or open a PDK.


This main window is divided into 2 sections - the "Menu Section" (see Detailing MCL-PDK Builder's Menu Section) and the "Work Section" (see Detailing MCL-PDK Builder's Work Section).