Export to Library

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Export to Library

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MCL-Designer V4 allows you to use data files, programs, global and background procedures, routines, screens, global events and label profiles that were developed in a specific project, in other MCL-Designer projects. This reuse is ensured via export, meaning, you export the developed elements (data files, programs, global and background procedures, routines, screens, global events and label profiles) into the project's previously defined Library where they will become available to be imported into other MCL-Designer projects. As a further option, you can lock some of the exportable elements (programs, global procedures and global events), meaning, turn them into non-editable elements when they are imported into other MCL-Designer V4 projects.



Export to Library


Step-by step


1. Depending on the element you want to export (program, screen, routine, global or background procedure, data file, global event and/or label profile), open the corresponding module that includes it.


2. Use one of the following to initiate the export:


a. Use the drag-and-drop mechanism.

I. Open the "Library Manager" (see To Open the "Library Manager" window).

II. In the open module, to the left, drag the element you want to export into the "Library Manager" window. This opens an "Export to Library" window.

III. Fill in the "Export to Library" window.


b. Use the right-click menu.

I. In the open module, to the left, right-click the element you want to export.

II. In the resulting menu, mouse over the "Library" option and select "Export ...". This opens an "Export to Library" window.

III. Fill in the "Export to Library" window.


c. Use the right-click menu.

I. In the open module, to the left, right-click the element you want to export.

II. In the resulting menu, select "Library Export". This opens an "Export to Library" window.

III. Fill in the "Export to Library" window.



Each element opens a different "Export to Library" window. For more information on each element's export procedure, see:


To Export a Program to Library

To Export a Screen to Library

To Export a Routine to Library

To Export a Global Procedure to Library

To Export a Background Procedure to Library

To Export a Data File to Library

To Export a Global Event to Library

To Export a Label Profile to Library