Working with the NFC Processes Group

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Working with the NFC Processes Group

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Process Purpose


NFC stands for Near-Field Communication (wireless) and its purpose is to detect and read information contained within NFC tags.

NFC tag detection operates within a radius of about 4 cm.

NFC technology is present mainly in Android devices.

This group of processes enables the use of NFC tag detection/data capture within an MCL application. See Example of "NFC Tag Reading" within an "MCL" Application.


NFC related processes are ONLY applicable to Android devices with NFC technology.



Make sure the NFC setting/feature is enabled in the target device's operating system.



The NFC Profile


The use of the NFC feature requires the setting of an NFC profile that defines what tags to read and/or which tag information to capture (ex: only capture the "MIME" information from the NFC tag). MCL-Designer provides a few standard profiles but it is possible to create and use customized NFC profiles with the appropriate settings (see To Create an NFC Profile below).


Standard Profiles

Any Tag - this profile has no filters, it reads every tag that is detected.

Ndef Compatible - Only reads the tags that are Ndef Compatible.

Any MIME - Only reads tags with a first record containing MIME type information.

Any external - Only reads tags with a first record containing External type information.


The standard profiles ("<Any Tag>", "<Ndef Compatible>", "<Any MIME>" and "<Any External>") are NOT editable.




To Create an NFC Profile




1. Use one of the following to open the table with the existing NFC profiles:


a. Open the "NFC/RFID" tab of the current project's properties window ("Project" menu ,in the Menu Bar > "Properties" option > "NFC/RFID" tab).



b. Click (whenever available).



2. Double-click an empty row OR  click (located to the right of the table).



3. If required, rename the new profile (the default suggestion is "NFC_Profile_X") and/or add information on the new profile in the "Notes" box.


4. Define the necessary filters/parameters for the new NFC profile in the corresponding table fields.


a. In the "Type" column, select the type of information to be read from the NFC tag from the drop-down.

b. Associate a parameter to the "Type" filter - select the intended parameter in the corresponding "Parameter" drop-down.


When defining filters/parameters for a customized NFC profile, take into account the NFC tag being used (the type of tag and its content).




Use the editing icons to the right of the table to add,delete, copy and/or move the intended/selected row.


5. Click to conclude or to abort the operation.


Click Here for an Example of "NFC Tag Reading" within an "MCL" Application



This chapter covers the following topics:


----- Data

Working with Read NFC Record Process

----- Control

Working with Enable NFC Process

Working with Tag Dispatch Mode Process

Working with Set Default NFC Profile Process