Creating an Operator Group

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Creating an Operator Group

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At operator management level, creating Operator Groups must be the first task to perform. Although the site provides a "Default Operator Group", it is best to create new groups that reflect that particular site's organization (ex: "night shift"; "day shift"," warehouse crew", "Delivery crew").




1. Click Operators Button(in the Control Panel section) and, in the resulting row below, select Operator Groups Sub Module Button to open the "Operator Groups" page.


Operator Groups Page Create Operator Group


The site provides a default "Operator Group". Its name, "Default" can be changed in the "Operator Group Details" page. For more detailed information, see Editing Operator Group Details.



It is recommended that you create your own operator groups that should represent the site's internal organization.



2. Click Add Operator Group Header Buttonto open the "New Operator Group" page.


New Operator Group Page Prop Tab


3. The "New Operator Group" page automatically opens in "edit mode", in the "Properties" tab. Fill in the mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk) and, if required, the remaining fields as well.


Name *

Enter the name of the operator group (ex: day shift, night shift, Picking, etc.).

Group ID *

Enter the operator group's identification number in the site.

Default Language

Select the language to be used by the operators included in the group from the drop-down list.

Custom Field Label 1–>5

These field labels can be customized (their designation can be modified according to the information they are supposed to retrieve). Enter the requested information.


If relevant, enter information regarding this particular operator group.


4. Go to the "Access Rights" tab.


New Operator Group Page Access Rights Tab


5. Fill in the mandatory field (marked with an asterisk) and, if required, the remaining fields as well.


Default Role *

Select a role in the application(s) for the operator group from the drop-down list.

Restricted Devices

As an option, limit the operator group to only work with a particular group of devices. Select a device group from the drop-down list or maintain "-None-", meaning without device restriction.

Application Restriction

Check this option if you want to limit the operator group's access to only certain selected applications.

See Detail of Application Restriction.


6. Go to the "Default Speech In/Out" tab.


New Operator group Page Default Speech In Out Tab No Voice


7. If this operator group is to work with Voice, check the "Voice Attributes" option. This activates more options and enables the displaying of another tab - "Default Advanced Voice Settings".

If no Voice attributes are necessary, continue to step 11.



NoteWhen creating an operator group with the purpose of only including operators with voice attributes, you can define voice parameters that become default values for the future operators to be created or imported into that operator group. The operator profiles will adopt the parameters set in the operator group's "Default Speech In/Out" and "Default Advanced Voice Settings".



New Operator group Page Default Speech In Out Tab Voice


8. Fill in the mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk) and, if required, define the remaining fields as well.


Speech In Language *

Select the language the operators from this group can use to interact with the voice application.

Speech Out Language *

Select the language the operator from this group will hear from the voice device.

Speech in Accent

Select the file that stores the fine tuning of voice recognition.

TTS Speed

Define the default speed to be used by the TTS (text to Speech) engine in the corresponding box.

TTS Volume

Define the default speech volume to be used by the TTS (text to Speech) engine in the corresponding box. (The TTS Volume parameter only affects the Synthesizer channel).

Global Volume

Define the default global audio volume of all channels (recognition/rejection beep, application beep, TTS, wave player, etc.) in the corresponding box.

Accepted Speech Beep

Check this option to enable a success/confirmation beep.

Rejected Speech Beep

Check this option to enable an unsuccessful/rejection beep.


9. Go to the newly displayed tab, the "Default Advanced Voice Settings" tab.


New Operator Group Page Default Advanced Voice Settings  Tab


10. If required, fill in the following fields:


Technical Profile

Select the default configuration file, provided by MCL, that allows for the fine tuning of the MCL Voice Client behavior. The drop-down list displays the technical profile files added in the "Voice" tab included in the "Site Details" page. See "Site Details" - Voice tab.

Voice Type

Select the default Voice Type from the drop-down list (Auto, Neutral, Male, Female, Child). In this case, the default value (Auto) is the preferred choice.

Speech Sensitivity

Define a default Speech Sensitivity value in the corresponding box. (Available values from -3 to +3.)

Recognizer Sensitivity

Define a default Recognizer Sensitivity value in the corresponding box. (Available values from -3 to +3.)


11. Click Confirm button to complete the creation of an Operator Group.