Operator Groups

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Operator Groups

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Operators are always organized into Operator Groups. These groups are created to gather operators with common features (ex: all do the same task as "Inventory", all use a device like MC75A, all belong to the day shift, etc.). The account provides a default operator group (named "Default") but you should create operator groups according to the site's organization. Most of operator related operations (copying an operator, moving an operator, importing operators, etc.) rely on the existence of operator groups.


To access the Operator Groups sub-module, click Operators Button(in the Control Panel section) and, in the resulting row below, select Operator Groups Sub Module Button.


Control Panel Operators Management


The image below illustrates the page that is accessed when clicking Operator Groups Sub Module Button.


Operator Groups Page


The "Operator Groups" page presents a list with all the operator groups included in the current site.

This information can be displayed in a grid or a list view. By default, operator groups are displayed in a grid view but the view can be changed.

To do so, click No Filter Button (located below the operator group icon). This enables the grid view Button_Grid and the list view Button_List buttons. Select the most appropriate view.


Click Button_Grid for a grid view:


Operator Groups Page Grid View


This view displays the following information:


(In light blue)

The name of the operator group. Click it to access the "Operator Group Details" page. See Operator Group Details.

Group ID

The operator group's identification number in the site.


Click Button_List for a list view:


Operator Groups Page list View


This view displays the following information:


Name (in light blue)

The name of the operator group. Click it to access the "Operator Group Details" page. See Operator Group Details.

Group ID

The operator group's identification number in the site.

Added On

The operator group's creation date.

Updated On

The date of the latest modification/update performed on the operator group.


Relevant information regarding the operator group which is added in the "Description" field of the "Operator group Details" page. See Operator Group Details.



The "Operator Groups" page offers the following options:


Operator Groups Page Navigation


No Filter Button Use this button to access the Button_Grid and Button_List buttons (which alter the view).


Site management items displayedUse these buttons to control how many items are displayed at a time. Click one of the available options (10 items per page/20 items per page/50 items per page/100 items per page).


search boxUse the search box to look for specific list items.


a. Enter what you want to search for.

b. Click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard to initiate the search.

c. To conclude the search operation, empty the search box and click lupa button or press <ENTER> in your PC keyboard.


Button_RefreshClick this button to refresh the page's information.


Operator Groups Page Navigation ButtonsUse the buttons, included in this bar, to organize the listed items of the corresponding column:

button_view ascendingby ascending order.
button_view descending by descending order.


Button Select all 3Click this button to select all the listed items. In this case, all the operator groups.


Click the operator group's name (displayed in light blue) to access a page with the details of a particular operator group. See Operator Group Details.



Available Operations


The "Operator Groups" page also provides direct access to specific operations concerning operators groups:


To create an operator group, use the Add Operator Group Header Button button. For more information, see Creating an Operator Group.


To delete an operator group, use the Delete Header Button button. For more information, see Deleting an Operator Group.


To export an operator group list, click Export Header Button and proceed as follows:


Operator Group Export Confirmation


Confirm the operation by clicking Confirm button. The operator group list is exported to an Excel File format.


The conclusion of the export operation depends on the web browser used. You should be able to save the Excel file in your local computer or open it directly after the download.



This chapter includes all the aspects associated to operator groups (operator group details, the creating and deleting of operator groups, etc.). The table below refers the user profiles that have access to the described operations:



Keep in mind that the Account Administrator and/or the Site Manager, at a lower level, can restrict other users' access rights. This user guide is presenting all the possibilities in terms of access.





User access

Operator Group Details

View the operator group's details.

Account Administrator

Site Manager

Site User

Creating an Operator Group

Add an operator group to the site.

Account Administrator

Site Manager

Site User

Editing Operator Group Details

Edit the details of an operator group.

Account Administrator

Site Manager

Site User

Deleting an Operator Group

Delete an unnecessary operator group. If you want to maintain the operators' profiles included in it, move them to another operator group before deleting it. See Moving an Operator.

Account Administrator

Site Manager

Site User