Editing Site Details

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Editing Site Details

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The Site Details sub-module provides access to the current site's "Site Details" page. Most of the displayed site details are editable.

Fields related to Subscription or Site Managers are NOT editable. These features can only be managed by the account administrator in the Admin Dashboard.




1. To access the "Site Details" page, click System Button (on the Control Panel) and, in the resulting row below, select Site Details Sub Module Button.


Site Details Page with Private Filebox


2. Click Edit button to set the page to "edit mode".


3. Edit the information in the tabs/fields, as necessary. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory, meaning, they must always contain information.


Properties tab




If required, edit the information in the following fields:


Name *

Maintain or edit the site's name.

Link to Subscription

This field is NOT editable.

Timezone *

Maintain or edit the site's timezone from the drop-down list.


Maintain or edit the site's contact number.

Has Private Filebox

Maintain or edit this option. Checking this option means creating a private filebox for the current site. See Filebox.


Maintain or edit the existing text.


Maintain or edit the site's logo. See To Add a Logo to a Site.


Managers tab


The "Managers" tab is a "read only" tab.


Device Types tab




If necessary, use the following operations to edit this tab:


To delete a previously selected device, click the corresponding Button_Delete.


To add other device types, proceed as follows:


a. Click Add Device type button.


Editing SD Site Details Devices Type Tab


b. In the resulting window, select the required device model(s) by checking the corresponding Check box. (If no devices are specified, all are available.)


You can use the search box option or the drop-down list, with the available manufacturers, to filter the displayed information.


c. Click Add Check Gray Button to apply your choices.



Custom field labels tab




Maintain or replace the labels of the fields displayed in the "Device" and/or "Operator details" page according to the information you want to retrieve. These fields are mandatory, meaning, they have to be filled with either the default options or with your suggestions.



The "Devices" side tab is open, by default. If necessary, click the"Operators" side tab to edit its information.



Location tab




Maintain or edit the site's address in the "Address" box.

The latitude and longitude coordinates are automatically filled in, as soon as you click Confirm button.


Languages tab




If required, use the following operations to edit this tab:


To delete a previously selected language, click the corresponding Button_Delete.


To add other languages, proceed as follows:


a. Click Add Operator Lanuage button.


Editing SD Site Details Languages Tab


b. Select the required language(s) by checking the corresponding Check box.


You can use the search box to search for a specific language.


c. ClickAdd Check Gray Button to apply the changes. (If no languages are specified, all are available.)



Applications tab.




Maintain or add "operator roles". All of these options are displayed in the "Role" drop-down list option of the "Operator Details". See Operator Details.


Voice tab




The "Technical Voice Profiles" side tab is open, by default. To edit one of the other side tabs, click it.

Maintain or edit the existing files with the following operations:


To delete a previously uploaded file, click the corresponding Button_Delete.


To download a file, proceed as follows:

a. Click the corresponding icon download file.


b. Confirm the operation by clicking Button_OK in the resulting window.


To add other files, proceed as follows:


a. Click Button_Upload Files.


b. The OS file explorer window opens automatically. Select the appropriate file (with an .mtp extension for technical voice profile or an .lmd extension for accent file) and click Button_Open. The file is displayed in the "Upload File" window:



Add Site Upload File Window1


c. If you want to add more files, click Add Button Blue and select another file (step 2). Repeat this process as many times as necessary because you can only add one file at a time.


If necessary, delete added files by clicking the corresponding Button_Delete0 or Button_Clear all to delete all added files at once.


d. Once you have added all the necessary files, click Button_Upload.


TIPThe previously described operations can be applied to any of the side tabs.

Before you start, make sure you have the correct side tab open.


4. Save your changes (in all the tabs) by clicking Confirm button. The page is set to "view mode".



Add a logo to a site




a. Click edit button OR  double-click the "Logo" field.


Logo Add


b. Click Change button to search for an image file.


c. In the resulting OS file explorer window, select the desired file image.


d. Click Open to upload the selected logo.


Site Logo Change


The logo is displayed in the corresponding site's Site Dashboard.


To remove the image file, click the corresponding Button_Delete0.


To change the logo, click Change button and repeat the image file selection (steps 3 and 4).


5. Once you have edited the "Logo" field, click Confirm button to apply the modifications.