Working with Call & Parse Process

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Working with Call & Parse Process

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Process Purpose


The "Call & Parse" process is used to call a web service and parse its response into variables and/or into a data file.

The web service response (body) to be parsed within this process can be obtained through the testing of the current HTTP request or you can copy/paste a body you had saved from a previous call/transaction.

You can parse up to 50 "path names" in one single process.



When you add a process, you are required to define its settings. This occurs in the process's properties window which is displayed automatically after having added the "Call & Parse" process. In this case, the properties window includes five tabs - "Call", "Parse Simple", "Parse to File", "Advanced" and "Error".

If any subsequent edition is required, double-click the process to open its properties window and enter the necessary modifications.


"Call" tab



Fill in the following options:


HTTP Request


Define the URL of the web service you want to call. Enter it directly OR  click to use the URL Assistant. See The URL Assistant.

As an alternative, you can use a variable to define the URL (use the "Variable Select" option that is accessed if you right-click this box).


Select the method for the request from the drop-down OR  click and select a variable with that information. See Variable Usage.


If necessary, define the header(s) for the request OR  click and select a variable with that information.

Body to Send


If it is necessary to add a body to the request, select the source for the body. The selection of the source (Variable/Text/File) affects the related option (located below).

The default source is "None", in which case, there will be no more options visible.


Only visible if a source is selected. Depending on the selected body source, you will access the corresponding field:



Related Field


Variable field - Enter the variable with the intended body OR  click and select it.


Text field - Enter the text that will become the body of the request.


File field - Select the file with the intended body from the drop-down. If required, click to edit the selected data file.

See Editing a Data File.



Only visible if a source is selected. Select the Content-Type from the drop-down OR  click and select a variable with that information.


If you want to test the URL you just defined, click . It opens the "Test Web Service" window. This option not only tests the request, it also obtains/displays the request's response and feeds a related window named "Body to Use for Parsing" with information.

Within this process, it is a floating window, meaning, it does not block MCL-Designer's flow(ex: you can change tab focus) and its content changes depending on context/open tab.

See The Test Web Service window (called from the "Call" tab).


Ex: If the "Test Web Service" window is open in the "Call" tab and you go to the "Parse Simple" or "Parse to File" tab, it becomes the "Body to Use for Parsing" window with the corresponding information (the body of the request's response). If you return to the "Call" tab, it will change back to its original content. See The "Body to Use for Parsing" window.




"Parse Simple" tab



Fill in the following options:


Parse single response element to Variable

Path Name column

Define the response's elements you want to store into variables.

Select the path name(s) from the drop-down list OR  click and select variables with that information OR use the "Body to Use for Parsing" window. Click (a button that becomes available in this tab's upper right corner) to open the window and drag the necessary path names into the corresponding fields.

See The "Body to Use for Parsing" window.

Store into Variable column

Click the corresponding to select the variable that receives the data from the "Path Name" field(s). See To Select/Create a Variable.

Sample column

NOT editable. Displays a sample of the corresponding data (the selected path name).


Use the editing icons to the right of the table to move the rows up and down and to delete or add more rows.


The button (that opens the "Test Web Service" window) is not available in this tab. It is replaced with the button which calls the "Body to Use for Parsing" window. This window focuses on the response's body and enables the drag-and-drop of the array/keys into the "Path Name" related fields. See The "Body to Use for Parsing" window.



"Parse to File" tab



Fill in the following options:


Parse list of elements (array) to Data File

Target File Name

Define the target data file from the drop-down. If you need to edit the selected data file, click . See Editing a Data File.

Root Array

Select the Root Array from the drop-down OR  click and select a variable with that value OR use the "Body to Use for Parsing" window to perform a Drag-and-Drop. Click (a button available in this tab's upper right corner) to open that window. See The "Body to Use for Parsing" window.

From Path Name column

Define the elements you want to store into data file fields.

Select the Path Name(s) from the drop-down OR  click and select a variable with that value OR use the "Body to Use for Parsing" window to perform a Drag-and-Drop. Click (a button available in this tab's upper right corner) to open that window. See The "Body to Use for Parsing" window.

If you have defined the root array with the use of the "Body to Use for Parsing" window, you may already have these fields filled in (the Drag-and-Drop of the array from the "Body to Use for Parsing" window allows for the automatic retrieval of the existing path names and the filling in of this column.

To Field column

Select the data file fields that will receive the information from the drop-down.

Sample column

NOT editable. Displays a sample of the corresponding data (the selected path name).


Use the editing icons to the right of the table to move the rows up and down and to delete or add more rows.



When parsing the body of a JSON or XML response, do NOT create complex structures because they are not supported.


Simple Array (Recommended Structure)

Multiple Arrays (Not Supported Structure)


































Click (located on the tab's upper right corner) to open the "Body to Use for Parsing" window. This is a useful window because you can view the web service response and use the Drag-and-Drop mechanism to define the displayed response's parsing in the related tabs. See The "Body to Use for Parsing" window.


If you open a "Test Web Service" window (via the icon) in the "Call" tab and leave it open while proceeding to the "Parse to File" or "Parse Simple" tabs, the window will be replaced with the "Body to Use for Parsing" window.




"Advanced" tab



If you intend to reuse the obtained response in a "Parse Response" process, you have to store the response body to a variable or file.



Fill in the following options:


Response (Body)

Store Body to

Select the target for the response's body. The selection of the target (Variable/File) affects the related option (located below).


Depending on the selected target, you will access the corresponding option:



Related option (Variable or File)


Variable field - Click and select the variable that stores the response's body.

Path + File Name

File field - Enter the path and name of the file that stores the response's body OR  click and select the variable with the file's name.

Content Type

Click to select the variable that receives the Content Type. See To Select/Create a Variable.

Response (Header)

Full Header

Click to select the variable that stores the response's full header.

Status Code

Click to select the variable that receives the response's status code.



"Error" tab



Fill in the following options:


If ... Go to

Comm Error

Select a target location from the drop-down or list, in case a communication error occurs. See Detail of a window below.


When defining a screen as a target destination (ex: via a “Go to” process), you CANNOT use variables to specify the name of that target screen. You must select the intended screen from the available drop-down/list.

Http Error

Select a target location from the drop-down or list, in case an “Http Error” occurs. See Detail of a window below.


When defining a screen as a target destination (ex: via a “Go to” process), you CANNOT use variables to specify the name of that target screen. You must select the intended screen from the available drop-down/list.

Parse Error

Select a target location from the drop-down or list, in case an “Parse Error” occurs. See Detail of a window below.


When defining a screen as a target destination (ex: via a “Go to” process), you CANNOT use variables to specify the name of that target screen. You must select the intended screen from the available drop-down/list.


Detail of a window:



"S:Menu" is a screen included in the same program as the process.

"R:Routine_1" is a routine included in the same program as the process.



If required, use the icons on the upper right corner of the properties window:


Click to define a time out. See Time Out.


Click to attach any relevant notes to this process. Click it and enter your notes in the resulting text box. These notes will be displayed in the corresponding "Actions" tab or "Process" window (in the "Notes" field) and in the "Developer Report".



When you are done filling in/editing the tabs of the properties window, click to apply.

The added process is displayed in the corresponding "Actions" tab or "Process" window.


If you want to view this process applied within an application, check our "Sample Book Catalog" in Sample Applications.


If you want to view this process applied within an application, see Sample Applications.



The "Test Web Service" window (called from the "Call" tab)


The "Call" tab provides the icon (in the upper right corner) so you can access a "Test Web Service" window. Use this option to retrieve/expose the web service's response (header and body). This allows for an easier manipulation of that data (ex: defining path names via the "Body to Use for Parsing" window and the Drag-and -Drop mechanism).

The window's content/information display depends on the context (the calling tab) and on the means used to define the request's web service:


Medium A - the immediate use of the web service's URL.

Medium B - the use of a response body. This medium is mainly used when it is not possible to access the intended web service.


Click Here for Details on Medium A (Online Web service)


Click Here for Details on Medium B (Offline/Response Body)



If you want to use a label as a target destination, you can use the "Auto-Label" mechanism. This alternative to the "Set Label" process allows you to create a label in the properties window of a process - specifically, in the fields used to define target destinations (ex: the "If Error..." type fields). See To Automatically Create a Label.



Use the right-click in MCL-Designer's input boxes to access some related options as well as the general "Cut", "Copy"; "Paste"; "Search" actions (active/inactive according to the current context).

Ex: If you right-click the "Variable" input box (included in a "Conversion's" properties window), you are provided with general editing/search actions and other more specific options such as "Variable Select" (see "Variable Select"); "Variable Insert" (see "Variable Insert"); "Insert Special Character" (see To Insert Special Characters into a Control's Text Input Field) and "Localization Select" (see Localization List).

If you right-click another input box, it may provide other possibilities.