Editing Operator Details

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Editing Operator Details

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The details of an operator profile are editable.

The status of an operator profile can be changed at any time.




1. Click Operators Button (in the Control Panel section) and, in the resulting row below, select Operators Sub Module Button to open the "Operators" page.


Operators Page


2. Select the operator you want to edit by clicking the operator's name (displayed in light blue). This opens the corresponding "Operator Details" page.

By default, the "Operator Details" page opens in the "Properties" tab.


Operator Details Page Prop Tab View


3. Click Edit button to set the page to "edit mode".


Operator Details Page Prop Tab Edit



4. Edit the fields according to your requirements:


Operator ID

Maintain or edit the operator's identification number in the account.

Reference Code

Maintain or edit the operator's identification in the customer's own management software system (ex: ERP or WMS systems).

First Name

Maintain or edit the operator's first name.

Last Name

Maintain or edit the operator's last name.

Short Name

Maintain or edit the alternative name to identify the operator.


Maintain or edit the operator's gender.


Maintain or select another language to be used by the operator in the application.

Info 1 > 5

Maintain or edit the internal information regarding the operator.


Maintain or edit the existing text.


5. If required, go to the "Access rights". If you have finished editing the operator's details, continue to step 12.


Operator Details Page Access Rights Tab Edit


6. Edit the fields according to your requirements:



Maintain or select a different role for the operator.


Maintain or enter a new login password for the operator.

Access Dates

Maintain or define another authorization time period for the operator to access the system.

Authorized Device

Maintain or select a device to be attributed to the operator. If no particular device is assigned, the field will display "All" which means that the operator is allowed to work with all the available devices. See Detail of "Select Device" window below.


Detail of Select Device window


Select a Device Window


a. Click lupa button, in the "authorized device" option, to open the "Select Device" window.

b. Select the device by checking the corresponding Check box and clicking Confirm button.

c. If required, use the search box or the drop-down list with the available device groups to filter the displayed information.


7. If required, go to the "Speech In/Out" tab. If you have finished editing the operator's details, continue to step 12.


Operator Details Page Speech In Out Tab No Voice Edit


8. If the operator being edited already includes voice attributes, proceed to step 9 and edit the available fields.

If the operator profile does NOT have voice attributes and you want to include them in this profile, check the "Voice attributes" box to enable further options regarding voice parameters as well as a new tab - the "Advanced Voice Settings" tab.



Operator Details Page Speech In Out Tab Voice Edit


9. Edit the voice parameters as required:


Spoken Name

Maintain or edit the name that will be prompted to the operator in the voice dialog (ex: the welcome message).

Speech In Language

Maintain or select another language for the operator to interact with the voice application.

Speech Out Language

Maintain or select another language for the voice device to interact with the operator.

Speech in Accent

Maintain or select a different file to store the fine tuning of voice recognition. The drop-down list displays the accent files added in the "Voice" tab included in the "Site Details" page.

See "Site Details" - Voice tab.

TTS Speed

Maintain or define another speech speed to be used by the TTS (text to Speech) engine in the corresponding box.

TTS Volume

Maintain or define another speech volume to be used by the TTS (text to Speech) engine in the corresponding box. The TTS Volume only affects the Synthesizer channel.

Global Volume

Maintain or define a new global audio volume for the voice device in the corresponding box.

Accepted Speech Beep

Check/uncheck this option to enable/disable a success/confirmation beep.

Rejected Speech Beep

Check/uncheck this option to enable/disable an unsuccessful/rejection beep.


10. If required, continue to the "Advanced Voice Settings" tab.

If you have concluded your edition, proceed to step 12.


Operator Details Page Advanced Voice Settings Tab Edit


11. Edit the available fields according to your requirements:


Technical Profile

Maintain or select a different Technical Voice Profile. The drop-down list displays the files added in the "Voice" tab included in the "Site Details" page. See "Site Details" - Voice tab.

Voice Type

Maintain or select another voice type from the drop-down list (Auto, Neutral, Male, Female or Child). For most cases, the default value (Auto) is preferred, but you can select a more appropriate voice type for the operator. Defining the wrong voice type for the operator will affect speech recognition quality.

Speech Sensitivity

Maintain or define new speech sensitivity value for the voice devices.(available values from -3 to +3). For most cases, the default value (Auto)is the preferred choice.

When defining a new value, consider the following:

A high speech sensitivity helps detect a low energy speech (operator with a soft voice) but it increases the risk of noise processing.
A low speech sensitivity reduces the risk of noise processing but requires a high energy speech (operator must speak loud and clear) for a good detection.

Ex: For operators with a loud and clear voice, define a speech sensitivity value of -1 or -2.



Note that some words start with low energy (ex: words with an initial "sh" sound) which means they might not be detected if the speech sensitivity value is too low.


Recognizer Sensitivity

Maintain the value or define another Recognizer Sensitivity value (available values from -3 to +3) in the corresponding box.

When altering the Recognizer Sensitivity value, consider the following:

The operator's speech level (a good speech -high energy/loud and clear word pronunciation OR a poor speech -low energy and bad word pronunciation).
The operator's environment and possible interference from background noise.

Ex: Too low recognizer sensitivity dismisses background noise but does NOT accept an operator's "poor" speech.


Possible settings based on general considerations:


Operator Speech Output

Recognizer Sensitivity Value

People who do NOT complain about repetitions


non-native speakers


native speakers



Fine tuning suggestions:


Operator Complaints

Value Corrections

For operators that are fine with recognition (low repetition) but have with complaints about insertion.

Reduce the Recognizer Sensitivity value: from -1 to -3.

Reduce Speech Sensitivity (a -1 or -2 value) unless the operator has a low energy speech.

For operators with complaints about repetition.

Increase the Recognizer Sensitivity value: from +1 to +2.

Increase Speech Sensitivity (a +1 or +2 value), if the operator has a low energy speech.

Log Level

Maintain or enter a new value. (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. The other levels are not supported, at the moment.)

Log until

Maintain the date or click Date button and select another end date for log generating.

Adaptation Status

This field is NOT editable. Its content depends on the optional voice adaptation performed by the operator. See The Adaptation Process.

Adaptation Date

This field is NOT editable. Its content depends on the optional voice adaptation performed by the operator. See The Adaptation Process.


12. Once you have executed all the required modifications, click Confirm button to apply all the changes.



To change an Operator Profile's Status


There are 3 available operator profile statuses:


Enabled: The operator is active and able to login.

Disabled: The operator is inactive and unable to login.

Locked: Operationally speaking, this status is the same as the "Disabled" status - the operator cannot login to the site. The customer can use this status from an operator management point of view, depending on the site's internal organization/operations.





1. In the selected operator's "Operator Details" page, click Change Status Button.


Operator Details Page Change Status


2. Select the required option from the drop-down list. Depending on the operator's current status (enabled/disabled/locked), the available options will be the remaining ones.


Ex: The operator "Edward Black" currently has an "Enabled" status. Therefore, the available options for status change are "Disabled" and "Locked".


3. Click Confirm button to conclude the changing status operation.


The new status is displayed in the "Status" field, to the left.



The Adaptation Process


In order to improve voice recognition performance, you can use an adaptation process which will analyze and store operator pronunciation characteristics (accent). This adaptation is very useful for non-native speakers, speakers with accents or special voice characteristics because it improves overall recognition performance for that particular operator.


When the operator logs in, the device communicates with the account to verify if no adaptation has already been performed. If no adaptation data exists, an automatic procedure is set on the device to execute the adaptation process.

The adaptation process consists of data collection (the operator repeating key words and expressions that will be used to interact with the application in the voice device) and accent analysis (the resulting file stores that operator's pronunciation characteristics which is analyzed).

The adaptation's objective is to improve the voice device's recognition of that operator.


Once the operator has executed an adaptation, you can reset said adaptation, meaning, you can delete it. To do so, follow these steps:


To reset an Operator's Adaptation




Keep in mind that there are two locations to execute this operation:


1. In the "Operators" page OR  in the selected operator's "Operator Details" page (in which case, the operator must NOT be logged in).


2. If the reset operation is executed in the "Operators" page, select the operator(s) to have the adaptation reset by checking the corresponding Check box.

If you are executing the "reset adaptation" in "Operator Details" page, continue to step 3.


3. Click Reset Adaptation Header Button .


Reset Adaptation Confirmation


4. Click Confirm button to conclude the operation.


At this point, the Reset Adaptation Header Button disappears from the header of the "Operator Details" page and the corresponding information in the "Advanced Voice Settings tab ("Adaptation Status" and Adaptation Date" fields) disappears.

When the operator logs in again, he will be asked to execute a new adaptation.