Working with Calibration Process

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Working with Calibration Process

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Process Purpose


The "Calibration" process is used to force a calibration procedure, at a specific time.

The calibration procedure is used to determine the operator's speech energy and level of noise in the working environment.

It is usually executed every time the operator launches a speech application. However, significant changes in the noise level of the work environment can justify new calibrations during a session.

Check the recommendations for a successful calibration in Calibration.



If the operator using the speech application is supposed to use a Bluetooth headset and you intend to run the calibration process at application startup, you need to make sure the device's OS returns the correct audio source for the speech input (should be "B" for Bluetooth). Check the example for "Calibration" Process use at the end of the topic.


When you add a process, you are required to define its settings. This occurs in the process's properties window which is displayed automatically after having added the "Calibration" process.

If any subsequent edition is required, double-click the process to open its properties window and enter the necessary modifications.



Proceed as follows:


If Error

Go to

Select a target location from the drop-down or list, in case an "Error" occurs. See Detail of a window below.


If you perform a "Go to" into a screen, it is not allowed to use a variable to specify the screen's name. You must select the desired screen from the drop-down menu.



Detail of a window:



"S:Menu" is a screen included in the same program as the process.

"R:Routine_1" is a routine included in the same program as the process.


After filling in the required options, click to conclude or to abort the operation.

The added process is displayed in the corresponding "Actions" tab or "Process" window.



Example of "Calibration" Process Use



If you want to use a label as a target destination, you can use the "Auto-Label" mechanism. This alternative to the "Set Label" process allows you to create a label in the properties window of a process - specifically, in the fields used to define target destinations (ex: the "If Error..." type fields). See To Automatically Create a Label.