Folder Content and Details/File Details

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Folder Content and Details/File Details

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You can view the content/detail of a Folder as well as the details of the existing Files. File details are NOT editable.



Folder Content/Details


In the Site Dashboard's "Control Panel", click Services Button to access Filebox Sub Module Button. Click it and open the "Filebox" page.




NoteThe Inbox area is open, by default. If you want to view the Outbox area, use the No Filter Button button (located below the Filebox icon) to access the Site_Filebox_Outbox button, and click it.



To view the content of a folder, select the desired folder in the left section (ex: site a). Its content is displayed in the right section.




To view a folder's details, click the name of the desired folder in the right section (ex: site b).




This opens an information window with 3 tabs ("General", "Details" and "User data").


General tab




The "General" tab presents the following information:



Displays the folder's name.

Automatic deletion of...(archived files)

There are three available options:

"– Default-"MCL-Mobility Platform does not manage the deletion of archived files. It is up to external systems and mobile devices to perform the "delete" operation.

"Never"MCL-Mobility Platform never deletes archived files.

"Automatic"MCL-Mobility Platform deletes archived files inside the selected folder after a specified number of days.

Ex: If you define 5 days, the files will be deleted 5 days after they have been archived.


NoteFor more information on how to delete archived files, see Deletion of archived files.




Details tab




The "Details" tab displays the following information:



The type of data container.


The size (in MB/Kb/bytes) of the data in the selected folder.


The location of the selected folder.


The path to the folder's location.


The creation date.


The last time the folder was modified.

File Date

Only displays information if the folder is created via device. Relates to the device's internal date of folder creation.


If the folder is created via MCL-Mobility Platform, refers to the user that created the folder. If the folder is created via device, it displays the name of the device.

Operator ID

Only displays information if the folder is created via device. Refers to the operator handling the device.


Only displays information if the folder is created via device. Refers to the location of the device that originated the folder, when the folder was created.

GPS Coordinates

Only displays information if the folder is created via device and if the device includes an active GPS option. Refers to the GPS coordinates of the device that originated the folder, when the folder was created.


User Data tab




This tab only displays information if the folder is created via device. The MetaData is provided by the device that originated the folder.



Click Close Button to exit the folder's information window.


File Details


In the Site Dashboard's "Control Panel", click Icon Site CP_Services to access MP Site_Dashboard_Control Panel_Filebox1. Click it and open the "Filebox" page.




NoteThe Inbox area is open, by default. If you want to view the Outbox area, use the No Filter Button button (located below the Filebox icon) to access the Site_Filebox_Outbox button, and click it.



Select the desired folder, in the left section, to open that folder's content in the right section (ex: site a).

Click the name of the file you want to view, in the right section (ex: forklifter.png).





This opens an information window with 3 tabs ("General", "Details" and "User Data").


General tab




The "General" tab displays the following information:



Displays the file's name.


Displays a preview of the selected file (ex: an image, text, etc.).


Details tab




The "Details" tab displays the following information:



The type of data container.


The size (in MB/Kb/bytes) of the data in the selected file.


The location of the selected file.


The path to the file's location.


The file's creation date.


The last time the file was modified.

File Date

Only displays information if the file is created via device. Relates to the device's internal date of file creation.


If the file is created via MCL-Mobility Platform, refers to the user that created the file. If the file is created via device, it displays the name of the device.

Operator ID

Only displays information if the file is created via device. Refers to the operator handling the device.


Only displays information if the file is created via device. Refers to the location of the device that originated the file, when the file was created.

GPS Coordinates

Only displays information if the file is created via device and if the device includes an active GPS option. Refers to the GPS coordinates of the device that originated the file, when the file was created.


User Data tab




This tab only displays information if the file is created via device. The MetaData is provided by the device that originated the file.


To exit the file's information window, click Close Button.




NoteIt is possible to download a file in its corresponding "Information on..." window. To do so, click Download Button B. Depending on the web browser used, you can save the Excel file in your local computer or open it directly after the download.



Available Operations


The "Filebox" page provides direct access to specific operations that are available in both Filebox areas (Inbox and Outbox):


To delete files/folders, use the Delete Header Button button. For more information, see Deleting Files/Folders in Filebox.


To create a new folder, use the Create Folder Header Button button. For more information, see Creating a new Folder.


To rename a folder, use the Rename Folder Header Button button. For more information, see Renaming a Folder.


To upload files into a folder, use the Upload Header Button button. For more information, see Uploading Files to Filebox.


To move files/folders, use the Move Header Button button. For more information, see Moving Files/Folders.


To copy files/folders, use the Copy Config Header Button button. For more information, see Copying Files/Folders in Filebox.


To download files/folders, use the Download Header Button button. For more information, see Downloading Files/Folders from Filebox.