Adding Menu/Selection Controls to a Screen

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Adding Menu/Selection Controls to a Screen

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The main feature of Menu/Selection Controls is how the information is displayed - within a menu or a list. The operator is given predetermined options to select from. This type of controls includes two groups:


1. Menu Controls

The options provided in a Menu Control enable the operator to jump to a specific point of the application (ex: other programs).

(Menu Button, Menu Text and Button).


2. Selection Controls

These controls offer predetermined options in the form of a list. They derive from data already in the application. The choices made by the operator are stored within variables.

(Combo Box, CheckBox, Radio Button, File Browse, Advanced List Box and Grid).



Since each control has unique features, this chapter is divided into the following topics:



Adding a Combo Box Control to a Screen

Adding a Button Control to a Screen

Adding a Menu Button Control to a Screen

Adding a Menu Text Control to a Screen

Adding a CheckBox Control to a Screen

Adding a Radio Button Control to a Screen

Adding a File Browse Control to a Screen

Adding an Advanced List Box Control to a Screen

Adding a Grid Control to a Screen