Speech in Controls

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Speech in Controls

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Some of the controls that are used for data input can also have enabled speech attributes, meaning, they can accept speech input.

The use of speech input does not deactivate the manual data input for that control (ex: the use of the device's keyboard or scanner to enter data).


The following controls can include speech options:


Input Controls

Input Keyboard

Input Barcode

Input Date

Input Time

Input Spin

Input List

Input Cash



Menu/Selection Controls

Combo Box


Menu Button

Menu Text


Radio Button





Since the speech feature within these controls is considered an advanced attribute that may or may not be used, this chapter is divided into topics that only focus on each control's speech related options.



Speech In the Input Keyboard Control

Speech in the Input Barcode Control

Speech in the Input Date Control

Speech in the Input Time Control

Speech in the Input Spin Control

Speech in the Combo Box Control

Speech in the Input List Control

Speech in the Input Cash Control

Speech in the Button Control

Speech in the Menu Button Control

Speech in the Menu Text Control

Speech in the CheckBox Control

Speech in the Radio Button Control

Speech in the Slider Control



The main options/features of these controls are explained in other related topics. See:


Adding an Input Keyboard Control to a Screen

Adding an Input Barcode Control to a Screen

Adding an Input Date Control to a Screen

Adding an Input Time Control to a Screen

Adding an Input Spin Control to a Screen

Adding a Combo Box Control to a Screen

Adding an Input List Control to a Screen

Adding an Input Cash Control to a Screen

Adding a Button Control to a Screen

Adding a Menu Button Control to a Screen

Adding a Menu Text Control to a Screen

Adding a CheckBox Control to a Screen

Adding a Radio Button Control to a Screen

Adding a Slider Control to a Screen